Conception, Dimensioning and Rehabilitation of Structures

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Mechanics, Structures and Strength of Materials.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical presentation of the underlying concepts of each work followed by its presentation, with definition of goals, aspects to account for in its development and to be highlighted in the report. The works are made sequentially and out of the classes, the remaining time of these being used to clarify aspects and doubts arising during the study. The works are discussed in block, at the end of the semester. The discussion consists essentially of an informal talk in which the positive and negative aspects of the works are pointed out and the teacher seeks to find out whether the latter are due to possible lack of knowledge that the students are supposed to have acquired during the course unit.

Learning Outcomes

The specific objectives of the unit are:

- to provide the students with competences for the structural analysis and design of non-current structures;

- to stimulate the creativeness and critic thinking of the students, so that they can develop a pro-active attitude as structural design practitioners or professionals;

- to make the student familiar with computational tools commonly used in Structural Design, namely programs of structural analysis and design and CAD/technical drawing.

Work Placement(s)



Study of non-current structures:

1. Cables and arches:

Funicular and anti-funicular systems. Idiosincrasies: linear versus nonlinear analysis.

2. Analysis and design of plane laminar structures

Shear walls in reinforced concrete. Modeling with plane stress finite elements. Isostatic lines. Stress maps. Reinforcement design. Approximate modeling with bar elements.

3. Analysis and design of structures on elastic foundation

Light application: swimming pool. Plane analysis. Strengthening of the corners.

Heavy application: raft foundation. Modeling with plate elements. Modeling as a grid. Approximate manual strip analysis.

4. Basic design of an arch timber footbridge

Actions and combinations. Structural modeling. Stress-laminated timber deck: design rules. Overall bracing. Analysis.

5. Basic concepts on structural rehabilitation.

Assessment Methods

The works are discussed in block, at the end of the semester. : 100.0%


- Sistemas Estruturais (2003), Heino Engel, Editorial Gustavo Gili SA, Barcelona, Espanha

- Hormigón Armado (2001), Montoya-Meseguer-Morán, Editorial Gustavo Gili SA, Barcelona, Espanha

- Tratado de construccion (1977), H. Schmitt,, Editorial Gustavo Gili SA, Barcelona, Espanha

- Reabilitação Estrutural (2010), Vítor Cóias, Argumentum, GECoRPA, Lisboa, Portugal

- Eurocódigos Estruturais (EC0-EC1-EC2-EC5)