French Linguistics
French Linguistics
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
French 1 and French 2.
Teaching Methods
All teaching and evaluation methods assume autonomous learning and individual progression, since they are based upon bibliography reading, linguistic analysis and presentations of the syllabus main topics. At the end of the semester, students should be able to analyze French corpora.
Learning Outcomes
Students will learn concepts and tools for linguistic analysis. They will use French structures both standard and from different diatopic, diastratoc or diaphasic varieties as an example. At the end of the semester, they should be able to identify, describe and analyse:
(i) phonemes (transcription according to IPA norms);
(ii) word formation processes, categories, constituents and functions;
(iii) agreement and word order structures in French;
(iv) argument structures and thematic roles;
(v) anaphoric and deictic reference;
(vi) speech acts.
Work Placement(s)
1. Introduction: concepts and tools for linguistic description and analysis.
2. Phonetics and Phonology
3. Morphology and Syntax.
4. Semantics and Pragmatics.
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria Joana de Almeida Vieira dos Santos
Assessment Methods
Continuous assessment
Frequency: 50.0%
In-class participation : 50.0%
Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Chiss, J.L., (2001). Introduction à la linguistique française. Paris: Hachette, vols. 1 – 2.
Fagyal, Z., (2006). French: a linguistic introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Maingueneau, D. (1999). Syntaxe du français. Paris: Hachette.
Maingueneau, D. (2015). Aborder la linguistique. Paris: Points.
Moeschler, J. ;Auchlin, A. (2018). Introduction à la linguistique contemporaine. Paris : Armand Colin, 4.e Édition.
Polzin-Haumann, C.; Schweickard, W. (Eds.). (2015). Manuel de Linguistique Française. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Riegel, M.; Pellat, J.-C.; Rioul, R. (2009). Grammaire Méthodique du Français. Paris: PUF / Quadrigue.
Vandeloise, V.; Anselmo, F.A. (2001). Introduction to French Linguistics. Muenchen: LINCOM EUROPA.
Zufferey, S.; Moeschler, J. (2015). Initiation à la linguistique française. Paris : Armand Colin, 2.e édition.