Construction Technology

Academic year
Subject Area
Civil Engineering
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Building Physics /Constructions Materials.

Teaching Methods

Lectures aimed to the systematization and organization of knowledge and methodological approaches.

The theoretical and practical classes- although there are no clearly difference from them - intended for the analysis of case studies presented by the students in the light of knowledge and adopted methodology.

 Students will develop a small project based on the observation of real situations that they will propose.


A – 2 theoretical tests (5 v. each one) – 3 practical works (3 v .) – practical exam (7 v.)

B – Exam (20 v.).

Learning Outcomes

Provide the students with knowledge of building technology to enable them to:

- Design, calculate and define conditions for the implementation of primary elements of construction (walls, roofs, floors and glazing) due to functional requirements and that can identify and adapt to different situations.

- Design building water supply, sewage and storm sewage networks.

- Know the different types of building materials available for building facades, roofs, floors and glazing with the identification of its characteristics and its technological constraints of use.

Work Placement(s)



• Actions on structures.

• Walls, Roofs e Floors: study of the primary elements of buildings and its contribution to its hygrothermal performance. Approach on functional requirements, description and identification of the characteristics of materials, technical layers and finishing of the different construction elements.

• Windows.

• Water and sewage facilities in buildings.

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
Resolution Problems: 15.0%
Exam: 35.0%
Frequency: 50.0%

Final assessment
Course assessment can also be made by exam as an alternative to the midterm exams assessment: 100.0%


[1] Toda a documentação exposta oralmente nas aulas (apresentações).

[2] APICER, CTCV e DEC-FCTUC - “Manual de Alvenaria de Tijolo” e  “Manual de Aplicação de Telhas Cerâmicas”. Associação Portuguesa de Industriais de Cerâmica de Construção, Coimbra, 2000.

[3] LUCAS, J. A. Carvalho - "Exigências funcionais de revestimentos de paredes" e “Classificação e descrição geral de revestimentos para paredes de alvenaria ou betão" - ITE 25 e ITE 24, LNEC, Lisboa, 1990

[4] LNEC - "Coberturas de edifícios" Curso de Formação Profissional - CPP 516 - LNEC, Lisboa, 1976.

[5] LOPES, J. M. Grandão - "Revestimentos de impermeabilização de coberturas em terraço" - ITE 34, LNEC, Lisboa, 1995.

[6] "Regulamento Geral dos Sistemas Públicos e Prediais de Distribuição de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Residuais"- D.L.

[7] TORRES, M.I.M. “Humidade Ascensional em Paredes”. Tese de Mestrado. FCTUC, Coimbra 1998.

[8] "FREITAS, V.P.; TORRES, M.I.M; GUIMARÃES, A.S. “Humidade Ascensional” FEUP Edições, Porto 2008.