Electronic Governance

Academic year
Subject Area
Management and Administration
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical classes. Discussion of reports and articles on the chapters of the course. Discussion of case studies of the subjects taught, in the context of public and private administration.

Learning Outcomes

Provide students with knowledge, skills and competences that allow them to recognize and discuss emerging technologies that are part of the digital transformation that is taking place globally, both in the Public Administrations of the countries, and in the business and social sectors. In a context in which the volume of data increases significantly, day by day, in all sectors (public, private and social) and with the progressive universality of the use of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, it is essential that citizens, institutions and political power understand the weaknesses of its assumptions, guidelines, objectives, as well as the necessary and appropriate actions, case by case, in the domains of data management and the generation and dissemination of information in ethical and safe conditions. Students will also be able to discuss the challenges facing electronic governance in the coming decades of the 21st century.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction

1.1. Differences between data, information and knowledge

1.2. ICT and IS categories

1.2.1. ICT Categories

1.2.2. Distinction between transactional and analytical systems

1.2.3. Emerging technologies Artificial intelligence Blockchain Internet of things Augmented reality Robotics

2. Electronic governance, digital governance and the information society

2.1. European and Portuguese contexts

2.2. Digital transition programs

3. Principles of eGov in light of the OECD and the European Union

4. European directives and regulations

5. E-governance services

5.1. G2C

5.2. G2B

5.3. G2G

6. Case studies of digital public services

6.1. Single portal for public services

6.2. Open data

6.3. Interoperability

6.4. Electronic identification

6.5. Other industry examples

7. Data driven governance

8. GDPR and management and security models

9. Challenges for the coming decades of the 21st century.

Head Lecturer(s)

Pedro Miguel Alves Ribeiro Correia

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 10.0%
Synthesis work: 40.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


COM. (2016). eGovernment Benchmark 2016 - A turning point for e-Government development in Europe? Bruxelas: UE.

COM. (2016). Plano de ação europeu (2016-2020) para a administração pública em linha. Bruxelas: UE.

COM. (2016). Plano de Ação Europeu para a Administração Pública em Linha - Acelerar a Transformação Digital da Administração Pública. Bruxelas: UE.

COM. (2020) Livro Branco sobre a Inteligência Artificial. Uma abordagem europeia virada para a excelência e a confiança. Bruxelas: UE.

COM. (2020). Construir o Futuro Digital da Europa e Estratégia Europeia Para os Dados. Bruxelas: UE.

Pearson Liu, S. (2020). Knowledge Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Business Decisions. UK: Kogan Page.

Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 55/2020 de 31 de julho de 2020, Estratégia para a Inovação e Modernização do Estado e da Administração Pública 2020 -2023. Diário da República: I série, No 148 (2020).

UN. (2018). E-Government Survey 2018. USA: UN.