European Public Administration
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Notions of Private and Public Law I History of the Public Administration, Administrative Law I.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical and practical classes.
Learning Outcomes
The objective is for the students to understand the essential elements of the european integration process, including, without limitation, the fondamental principles and rules of EU Law, with a special enfasis with the executive and administrative functions developed by the EU institutions, organs and organisms, and the member States, including the guarantees to the individuals.
Work Placement(s)
I. Introduction to the EU
1. The legal nature of the EU
2. EU competences
3. Main characteristics of EU law
II. Institutional Architecture of the EU
1. The institutions, particularly the legislative and executive (European Commission, EP and Council)
2. European Commission
3. Organs and organisms: in particular, committees and agencies.
4. The role of the Council and of the Member States
III. Forms of European Administration between EU and member States
- Direct
- Indirect
- Descentralized
- Co-administration and network adm.
IV. EU and member States
1. The influence of EU law in the member States
2. Portuguese adminstration and administrative law vis a vis EU Law
V. Legal principal of EU administrative law
VII. Administrative and judicial control vis-a-vis EU lawa.
Head Lecturer(s)
Miguel Maria Tavares Festas Gorjão-Henriques da Cunha
Assessment Methods
Frequency: 50.0%
Mini Tests: 50.0%
Miguel Gorjão-Henriques, Direito da União, 9a de., Almedina, Coimbra, 2019
Jónatas Machado, Direito da União Europeia, 3a ed., Coimbra editora, 2018
Dulce M. J. Lopes, Eficácia, Reconhecimento e Execução de Actos Administrativos Estrangeiros, diss. Doutoramento, Almedina, 2018
Miguel Gorjão-Henriques, Atribuição e harmonização na União Europeia : o caso dos medicamentos, diss. Doutoramento, Almedina, 2018
Alexandra Aragão, “A governância na Constituição Europeia: uma oportunidade perdida?”, in Colóquio Ibérico – Constituição Europeia. Homenagem ao Doutor Francisco Lucas Pires, Coimbra Editora, 2005;
Suzana Tavares da Silva, Direito administrativo europeu, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 2010;
João Nuno Calvão da Silva, Agências europeias de regulação, Gestlegal, 3a ed., 2019.