Global Ethics

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical and practical classes which includes reading and analysis of specific publications on the basis of case studies, some of these in role-play (without prior value judgments);

Analysis of documentaries;

Some lessons are planned as spaces for interdisciplinary discussion with the participation of invited experts in some of the areas covered in the syllabus;

Tutorial support of students in the case studies.

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit aims to provide fundamental knowledge in the area of human rights, climate justice, environmental ethics and ethics in biotechnology and the current legislative framework for these two areas The program taught exposes fundamental ethical considerations; students will be challenged to explore and establish a basis for understanding how the impact of professional and personal actions that affect the environment can be judged as right or wrong.


Major skills to develop:

Competence in analysis and synthesis;

Competence in interpersonal relationships;

Competence in critical thinking;

Ethical commitment;

Competence in planning and management.


Other skills:

Competence in oral and written communication;

Competence in information management;

Valuation of diversity and multiculturalism;


Concern with sustainable development.

Work Placement(s)



Minimum content:

1. introduction

Introduction and justification of the discipline in the context of the overall program of Biology.

2. Ethics, Environment and Health

Addresses the different conceptions of nature and different theories about the relationship between man and his environment, which are at the center of current debates about environmental issues. Philosophical issues addressed include: what things have intrinsic value? What are rights? Do animals have rights? What responsibilities do we have towards future generations?

3, Ethics and Technology

A major application of ethical theories and views on issues relevant and controversial in biotechnology such as genetically modified organisms, the genetic improvement of human characteristics, stem cell research and human cloning.

4. Relevant legislation in Life Sciences

International agreements and commitments

Community Directives

National legal framework on biodiversity and biotechnology.

Head Lecturer(s)

Helena Maria de Oliveira Freitas

Assessment Methods

Research work: 30.0%
Exam: 70.0%


Blackburn, S. Being Good. A short introduction to Ethics. Oxford. Oxford UNiversity Press, 2001

Sterba J. (ed). Ethics: the big questions. Oxford, Blackwell, 1998

Fukuyama, F. O nosso futuro pós-humano. Consequências da revolução biotecnológica. Lisboa, Quetzal, 2002

Papa Francisco, Enciclica laudato-si- Cuidar da Casa Comum, Vaticano, 2015.

 Ecological Threat Register 2020: Understanding Ecological Threats, Resilience and Peace, Sydney.

Williaams, et al. 2020, Change in Terrestrial Human Footprint Drives Continued Loss of Intact Ecosystems. One Earth, 2020, 3, 371–382

Legislação nacional e comunitária variada relacionada com os temas apresentados e discutidos em aula.