Development, sustainability and environmental challenges

Academic year
Subject Area
Social and Culture Anthropology
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Each of these topics of the syllabus will have a duration of 4 hours, with part of the presentation by the teacher and part of discussion with students, on previously selected texts. In cases of presentation in audio-visual material, the discussion will focus on the material presented in the context of the class.

Learning Outcomes

The course focus is the relations between development, environment, human rights, and social justice, local populations and global institutions. Its will highlight critical views on the theories and concepts of development, and anthropological perspectives on key issues related to theories of development, and relation to environmental conservation, gender, generational, social movements and ownership, citizenship, human rights, institutions and governance under the umbrella of climate change.

At the end of the semester, students will understand anthropology’s contribution to development, be able to think critically, and understand relevance of key issues to global changing world, where Norther and South are more intertwined than before.

Work Placement(s)



1 - Theories of Modernization and its reverse, theories of Underdevelopment

2 - From Ecology to Theories of Sustainable Development

3 - The Nexus Development and Climate Change

4 - Globalization, Social Movements and Climate Refugees

5 - Climate Change and Intelligent Development - equity, social justice and sustainability.

Head Lecturer(s)

Fernando José Pereira Florêncio

Assessment Methods

Oral presentation (20 minutes) based on the written work : 25.0%
Synthesis work: 75.0%


Edelman, Haugerud (Eds). 2005. The Anthropology of Development and Globalization. Oxford: Blackwell Pub.

Olivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre. 2005. Anthropology and Development. Understanding Contemporary Social Change. London & NY, Zed Books.

Ramalho, Luís. 2015. Desenvolvimento A procura de uma solução ética para o envolvimento dos antropólogos.

Rist, Gilbert . 2002, The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith, London & New York: Zed Books.

Tanner, T. & Horn-Phathanothai, L. (2014) Climate Change and Development. Ox, Routledge.

Von Troil, Margareta. (Ed.). 1993. Changing Paradigms in Development-South, East and West. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikaininstitutet.

Latouche, Serge. 2011 (2007). Pequeno Tratado do Decrescimento Sereno. Lisboa: Edições 70.

Enlazador, Thomás. 2009. Ecovilas e Comunidades Alternativas. In Cultura de Paz. UFPE.

Medical Anthropology, 2019, Special issue- Medical Anthropology of Climate Change: Eco-Risks & the Body Environmental- Vol 38, 5