Anthropology, Global Health and Environment(s)

Academic year
Subject Area
Social and Culture Anthropology
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Films or online documentaries. It is intended that the classes provide an inclusive, equitable environment that invites students to expose their ideas, to accept the plurality of interpretations existing in the diversity of subjects and the variety of experiences.

Learning Outcomes

This UCs analyzes how globalization and climate change increasingly impact on global health. Taking an interdisciplinary view this will contribute to understanding the relationship between environment (natural / urban), health and society. Students should be able to:


• Master key concepts and approaches in medical anthropology, global health that include views of political economics and political ecology of health and gender approaches to case studies

• Carry out interdisciplinary analyzes that bring together social, biological and medical sciences.


• Analyze the relationship between health, environment(s), epidemics and crises, linking it to the various fields of global health intervention

• Skills

• Produce robust and innovative works that inform the public policies taking into account human rights, equity, social and climate justice

• Show the importance of the social sciences in global health and environment issues in the context of climate change.

Work Placement(s)



1- History of Global Health

2- One Health and Zoonoses - emerging, resistant and neglected diseases

3- Climate change and health

4- Urbanization and Health

5- Infectious diseases, epidemics and environment (s)

6- Non-communicable diseases and environment (s)

7- 'Natural' disasters and humanitarian actions

8- Risk (s) and vulnerability (s)

9- The Sociocultural in epidemics or other crisis- behavioral practices

10- Science(s) and (dis)trust

11- Health and the Anthropology of data, algorithms and digital platforms

12- (Bio)ethics and research and development (R&D) in global health.

Head Lecturer(s)

Jorge Filipe Sousa Varanda Preces Ferreira

Assessment Methods

Oral presentation (15-20 minutes) based on the written work : 25.0%
Quality of the argumentation and discussions on the different subjects tackled throughout the semester: 25.0%
Synthesis work: 50.0%


Baer, Singer, 2009, Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health

Bardosh, 2016, One Health: Science politics and zoonotic disease in Africa, Routledge

Biehl, Petryna, 2013, When People Come First: Critical Studies in Global Health.UCP

Gleisser, Molyneux, 2011, Anthropology and History of Medical Research in Africa.Berghen Press

Hahn, 1999, Anthropology in Public Health-Bridging Differences in Culture and Society,OUP

Kelly; Keck; Lynteris, 2019, The Anthropology of Epidemics,Routledge

Kreike, 2004, Recreating Eden: Land use, environment and society in southern Angola and northern Namibia, Heinemann.

Reed, 2009, Crude existence: environment and the politics of oil in Northern Angola.UCP.

Redfield, 2013, Life in Crisis: Ethical Journey of Doctors without Borders.UCP.

Abramowitz, Giles-Vernick, Webb, Varanda,et al., 2018, “Data Sharing in Public Health Emergencies - Ebola, 2014-16 and Yellow Fever, 2016”, Wellcome Trust, Institute Pasteur.

Reports- IPCC; WHO,UN-Habitat;UNESCO,FAO.