Psychology for Sustainability and Educational Intervention

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Teaching and learning aimed at supporting the elaboration of projects to develop environmental awareness and commitment in the campus community, through the joint identification of the appropriate strategies and the required knowledge and know-how.

Oral presentation of key content by the teacher, and complementary presentations by students. Exercises to apply knowledge and develop skills (e.g. conceiving  a questionnaire or interview script;  or interpreting the data collected with existing instruments; conducting and interpreting the results of simulations / games) and group discussion.

Learning Outcomes

Contribute to environmental education at all levels of training.

Develop individual and collective sense of participation to sustainability policies and goals, fostering a vision of the future professional practice with this commitment.

Be able to identify and use scientific and institutional sources related to treaties, reports, roadmaps, issued by the United Nations Environment Program, the European Parliament, and the Portuguese APA

Develop an understanding of the factors and consequences of environmental problems and behavioural change informed by psychological science (cognitive, motivational, psychosocial processes)

Understanding and relate theories and models of environmental behaviour and of change to research and intervention goals

Relating theoretical and operational concepts to research and intervention problems

Being able to contribute to the community sensibilization, with survey, dissemination and communication activities or event organizing.

Work Placement(s)



1. Cultural paradigms and relationship with nature

2. Social dilemmas and temporal contingencies in the use of commons

3. Environmental policies

4. Conservation psychology: research methods and studied variables.

5. Biophilia and benefits of contact with nature. Connection with nature Construct

6. Cognitive factors and mobilizing cognition for sustainable action

7. Behaviors, their explanatory factors and models: planned action, personal norm, social influence; self-perception; affect and anticipated emotions; self-concept and identity; and self-determination.  Environmental Concern, personal and contextual influences; Attitude-bahaviour gap and barriers.

8. Change process and intervention tools: Modification of situational contingencies by antecedent and consequent strategies, Nudge and Self Nudge, Community-based Social Marketing, Communication and Persuasion, intentional self-regulated change and action phases, exposure to nature and perspective taking.

9. Strategy effectiveness.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria São João Castilho Breda

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 40.0%
Laboratory work or Field work: 60.0%


Scott, B.A., Amel, E.L., Koger, S.& Manning,C. (2016) Psychology for Sustainability (4th ed). NY & London: Routledge.

Geller, S. (2016). Applied Psychology: Actively caring for People. Cambridge: C. Univers.Press.

Clayton, S. & Myers, G. (2015). Conservation Psychology: understanding and promoting human care for nature (2ed). Wiley-Blackwell.

Steg,L. Van den Berg, A.E. & de Groot, J.I. (eds) (2013). Environmental Psychology: An Introduction. Madden & Oxford: British Psychol Soc. John W. & Sons.

Jackson, T. (2005). Motivating Sustainable Consumption. Report to Sustainable Developm. Research Network. Univ. of Surrey.

Breda, SJ, Lopes, & Mónico (2017). Cultural values and the role of trust in agents and technology in consideration of dynamic prices electric grid and efficiency at home. Proceedings of 23rd ISDR Society Conference. Bogotá.

Breda, S.J. & Almeida, A.(2019). Environmental learning experiences, motivations and literacy in higher education. 1ª Confer. Campus Sustentav. Porto.