Spanish Language and Culture Course – level V

Academic year
Subject Area
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The course follows an action-based approach of communicative and task-driven cutting. It fosters the student’s active role and significant learning from a communicative theme and the development of functional, grammatical, phonetic, lexical and sociocultural contents established by the Cervantes Institute’s Curriculum Plan for this level.

The evaluation will be continued. According to the regulations in force at the Language Centre of the University of Coimbra, evaluation tests will be carried out, in addition to other complementary tasks. The final qualification will result from the weighting of the tests and tasks mentioned, as well as the assistance and participation of the students in the classes.

The percentages are:
1. First test: 30%
2. Second test: 30%
3. Oral expression: 20%
4. Participation / tasks: 20%

Learning Outcomes

Understanding and expressing thoughts and opinions expressed orally and in writing.
Knowing and mastering verbs in indicative and subjunctive tenses.
Developing autonomy in learning.
Developing social and intercultural competence.
Knowing and using language-specific formulas and expressions.

Be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts, of concrete or abstract themes.

Be able to understand technical texts.

Be able to relate to native speakers with enough fluency and naturalness.
Be able to adapt the language to context.
Be able to create clear and specific texts on various topics.
Be able to clarify ideas, counteract arguments and identify advantages and disadvantages, making use of specific expressions and connectors.
Be able to discuss everyday situations by setting points of view.
Be able to use proverbs in written and oral speech.

Work Placement(s)



Functional content
Expressing and discussing opinions.
Expressing wish or ignorance.
React to interventions of others, agreeing or not.
Exposing situations or writing news.
Grammatical content


  • verbal tenses;
  • direct and indir. speech;
  • Verbal Sentences.

The passive voice.
Impersonal constructions.
Indicative vs. subjunctive.
The Present of the subjunctive as a substitute for the Future of the subjunctive (cf. Portuguese).
Relative phrases and the correlation of verb tenses.
Verbs of opinion with Indic. and subj.
The tenses of the subj.
Past Perfect of the subj.
The use of the Present, Past Imperfect and Past Perfect Compound of subj.
Lexical content
Specific vocabulary.
Expressions of courtesy.
Phonetic and orthographic contents
Syllabic division, diphthong, hiatus and accentuation.
Socio-cultural content
Media, Spirituality, religion and education in Spain.
The Autonomous Communities
The linguistic reality in the Iberian peninsula.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Paz Candela de la Torre

Assessment Methods

Oral expression: 20.0%
Participation / tasks: 20.0%
First test: 30% + Second test: 30%: 60.0%


Bibliografia básica
A docente irá posteriormente indicar o manual a utilizar.
Bibliografía complementaria
A. González Hermoso y C. Romero Dueñas: Competencia gramatical en uso. B2. Madrid, Edelsa, 2008.
A. González Hermoso y C. Romero Dueñas: Competencia gramatical en uso. B2. Claves. Madrid, Edelsa, 2008.
Castro, Francisca. Uso de la gramática elemental, Ed. Edelsa, 2010.
Palacios, Rosa. Vocabulario activo e ilustrado del español, SGEL, Madrid, 2010.
Gramática de uso del español, Ed. SM, Madrid, 2009.
Diccionario Salamanca de la lengua española, Madrid: Santillana/Universidad de Salamanca, 1996.
Buitrago, Alberto: Diccionario de dichos y frases hechas, Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2007.