Advising Seminar

Academic year
Subject Area
Political Science
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

This curricular unit promotes an active learning approach, consisting of individual and regular supervision of student's work, and sessions of presentation and discussion of their research results.

Learning Outcomes

The curricular unit aims to guide students in designing and drafting their Master thesis/projects/reports to conclude their Master degree, thus also contributing to the preparation of their oral examination.

This seminar has two specific goals:

1. The development of students' work in a timely fashion and with the necessary quality to the submission and oral examination of their thesis/project/internship reports, through a continuous process of theoretical and methodological refinement.

2. The continuous discussion of student's research evolution and its respective results.

Work Placement(s)



The seminar supports students in the development and writing process of their Master thesis/projects/reports. As such, the syllabus will be adjusted to the projects and specific needs of the students in each edition. Nonetheless, the annual definition of the syllabus envisages a gradual approach to the work developed by students, aiming at ensuring that, with the completion of the seminar, their thesis/projects/reports are ready or at a final review stage. For that reason, the seminar works in close articulation with students' supervisors.

Head Lecturer(s)

Vanda Rafaela Amaro Dias

Dina Sofia Neves Sebastião

Isabel Anunciação Ferraz Camisão

Assessment Methods

Master thesis/project/internship reports : 50.0%
Presentation and discussion of students research results: 50.0%


Baird, B., & Mollen, D. (2018). The Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook (8ª ed.). Routledge.

Galvan, J., & Galvan, M. (2017). Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Routledge.

Kapiszewski, D., MacLean, L., & Read, B. (2015). Field Research in Political Science: Practices and Principles. Cambridge University Press.

Straits, B., & Singleton, R. (2017). Social Research: Approaches and Fundamentals (6ª ed.). Oxford University Press.

Tusting, K., et al (2019). Academics Writing: The Dynamics of Knowledge Creation. Routledge.

A restante bibliografia obrigatória varia de acordo com o tema de investigação escolhido por cada aluno. | The remaining essential bibliography varies according to the research topic chosen by each student.