Seminar for Dissertation/Project in Social Work

Academic year
Subject Area
Social Work
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Applicable the general rules of access to the Master programme.

Teaching Methods

The classes will take place on a seminar basis and will consist of the presentation and discussion in the classroom of the work progress by each student. For this purpose, it is essential that each student contributes all along the semester: presenting her/his work and commenting on that of the colleagues.

Learning Outcomes

This cu aims at monitoring the progress made by each student in the tuning of the dissertation proposal or intervention project and in their development.

Overall objectives

The study unit aims at providing assistance in the designing of the MA dissertation/project

Specific objectives

Providing and commenting on the various means of information available

Call for and discuss the practical use the context of research in social sciences

 Generic competences

Learning how to read and expose scientific reports

Acquire argumentation and expositive skills making use of technically adequate language.

Deal with bibliographic sources and lists.

Research statistical data and preparing their public presentation.

Specific competences

Prepare projects for presentation

Learning how to organize a “state of the art” of a given topic

Choose the most adequate methodology for the research to be carried out

Reading data collected and research

Acquaintance with oral and written communication techniques.

Work Placement(s)



Critical analysis of the Project in order to:

1. The discussion about the research design, epistemological and methodological issues of the researches and projects of each student;

2. Follow up of the development of the Dissertation or Project plans.

Head Lecturer(s)

Sónia Guadalupe dos Santos Ribeiro Neves de Abreu

Assessment Methods

Periodic as given in the course information: 100.0%


CORREIA, Ana e MESQUITA, Anabela - Mestrados & Doutoramentos. Lisboa, Vida Económica, 2013.

ESTRELA, Edite; SOARES, Maria Almira; LEITÃO, Maria José - Saber escrever uma tese e outros textos. 4ª ed. Lisboa, D. Quixote, 2006.

IDRC-Toolkit for researchers. Disponível em WWW: <URL:>.

MADEIRA, Ana Carla; ABREU, Maria Manuel Pimentel - Comunicar em ciência: como redigir e apresentar trabalhos científicos. Lisboa, Editora Escolar, 2004.

MARTINS, Gilberto de Andrade; THEÓPHILO, Carlos Renato - Metodologia da investigação científica para ciências sociais aplicadas. São Paulo, Atlas, 2009.

THIOLLENT, Michel J. M. - Metodologia da pesquisa-ação. 4ª ed.. São Paulo, Cortez e Autores Associados, 1988.

WILLIS, Jane - Speeches and Presentations. Preparing and Planning. Using visual aids. Overcoming nerves. Voice control and body languages. London, Ed. Ward Lock, 1996.