Metals in Medicine and Environment

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Biochemistry I, Inorganic Biochemistry; Physics Biochemistry, Enzymology and Chemistry of Proteins, Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Introduction to Structural  Biochemistry. The students should have  concepts of structural biochemistry, bioinorganic, the role of metal ions in biological systems, in vivo structure-function relationship, inorganic toxicity, spectrsocopic techniques as an important tool for structural analysis.

Teaching Methods

The topics are presented in theoretical classes using informatics equipment, with the active participation of the students through discussions, presentation of additional data and clarification of doubts.

Seminars complement theoreticals and acquired knowledge is applied to interpret events of the everyday life.The students present orally relevant themes in Medicine and Environmental areas- pathologies and associated therapies, diagnostic tools, toxicological and environmental problems, bioremediation- which are discussed in the classes; a monography or paper is also elaborated.

Learning Outcomes

The main goal of this Curricular Unit is the understanding of the role of metal ions and respective complexes in Medicine,in therapy and diagnostic, their structural and catalitic function in metalloproteins, their action on the control of different biological processes, as well as their toxic effects and respective environmental impact.

Work Placement(s)



Metal drugs: therapy and diagnostic.Inorganic complexes as: anticancer, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti arthritis, antiulcer drugs; in gene therapy and antisense technology; in neurosciences; radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Medicine for radiotherapy and diagnostic; contrast agents for MRI and TAC. Examples. Pharmacokinetics and toxicity. Targeting, bioconjugation. Photodynamic and quelation therapy. Anticancer strategies.

Metal ions in life: Metabolism.Nutritional aspects. Structure of active sites in metalloproteins and metalloenzymes: mechanistic and physico-chemical characterization; biomimetic chemistry.Binding and transport of O2. Electronic transfer. Activation of small molecules, O2 and N2, by metal ions.

Metals in Environment. Chemical speciation.Biological cycles. Biotransformation. Thermodynamic  stability and redox states. Bioacumulation. Molecular mechanisms of toxicity and pathologies. Polution and destoxification. Bioremediation.

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 30.0%
Exam: 70.0%


1.“Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry”, S. J.Lippard e J. M. Berg, (1994), University Science Books, Mill Valley, Califórnia.

2.“Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life”,W. Kaim e B. Schwederski, (1994), Wiley, Chichester, U.K.

3. “Biocoordination Chemistry”, D. E. Fenton, (1995), Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.

4. “Inorganic Biochemistry”, J.A. Cowan, (1997), Wiley-VCH, New York.

5. “The Biological Chemistry of the Elements”, J.J. Fraústo da Silva e R.J.P. Williams (1991), Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K.

6. “Bringing Chemistry to Life- from Matter to Man”,(1999), R.J.P. Williams e J.J. Fraústo da Silva, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.

7. "Metal Ions in Biological Systems", H.Sigel Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1974-1996, vols 1-presente.

8. Artigos de investigação recentes nesta area