Wind and Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Technologies
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Electric Drives
Teaching Methods
Theoretical lectures in the black board and with the aid of Powerpoint slides for the presentation of the concepts, principles and fundamental theories about the topics covered in the curricular unit. Theoretical-practical classes to solve problems and exercises that illustrate the application of the theoretical concepts to real systems in the engineering world. In these classes, some Matlab/Simulink simulations are performed to simulate the behaviour of the systems under study.
Learning Outcomes
It is intended to provide students with skills in the design, implementation and analysis of the different configurations of wind and solar photovoltaic energy conversion systems. In particular, it is intended that students should be able to select, design and implement the control systems of the different types of electric generators and power electronic converters used in onshore and offshore wind generators, as well as in photovoltaic systems, including the interconnection of such systems to the grid.
Work Placement(s)
Introduction to wind energy conversion systems (WECS): key components of a WECS, types of WECS and grid codes. Power electronic converters used in WECS: requirements for high-power converters; two-level and multilevel converters; converters without dc bus. Variable speed wind generator control systems: vector control and predictive control of wind generators based on PMSGs, squirrel cage induction generators and doubly-fed induction generators. Control of the grid-side converter. Onshore and offshore wind power generators, and their interconnection with the grid. Photovoltaic energy conversion systems: photovoltaic panels, equivalent circuit and used power electronics converters. Control of photovoltaic energy systems. Algorithms for maximum power extraction.
Head Lecturer(s)
Sérgio Manuel Ângelo da Cruz
Assessment Methods
Project: 30.0%
Exam: 70.0%
V. Yaramasu, B. Wu: "Model Predictive Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems", IEEE Press, 2017.
H. Abu-Rub, M. Malinowski, K. Al-Haddad: “Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
S. Chakraborty, M. Simões, W. Kramer: "Power Electronics for Renewable and Distributed Energy Systems - A Sourcebook of Topologies, Control and Integration", Springer-Verlag, 2013.
S. Muyeen: "Wind Energy Conversion Systems: Technology and Trends", Springer-Verlag, 2012.