Electric Energy and Sustainable Devlopment

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Electric Power Generation; Electric Energy Management 

Teaching Methods

Course subjects are susceptible to rapid obsolescence and require frequent updating, preferably on an annual basis.

Sequences of slides have a dual purpose of presenting subjects and launching questions for debate in each class. Expositions of subjects are punctuated with questions strategically placed throughout the subject to induce  the students to reach conclusions, in a process guided by the professor.

Students' participation in class requires that they have means to allow research or practice through exercises, which the professor also uses to help create critical judgement capabilility.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the students are capable of

- interpret and assess energy situation analyzes of countries or regions

- interpret data on the environmental and economic impacts of electrification of the economy

- assess the contribution of energy policy measures to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

- evaluate energy efficiency policies and programs

- participate in interdisciplinary teams for the design of energy efficiency measures and programs from a multi-benefit perspective

Work Placement(s)



The role of electricity in final energy supply.

Primary energy sources and their relative importance.

Relative importance of electricity in greenhouse gas emissions.

Electric energy in the context of the UN sustainable development goals.

Main pillars of energy policies. The contemporary trend of electrification.

Expected influence of emerging technologies (technological innovation) on electric energy systems and on electricity demand.

Tariff systems vis-a-vis the sustainability of resource use.

Energy efficiency in public policies as a fundamental pillar of sustainability.

Influence of behavior on energy efficiency.

The role of electric utility companies in the promotion of energy efficiency. Integrated resource planning.

Forms of organization of the electricity industry.

Circular economy.

Head Lecturer(s)

Humberto Manuel Matos Jorge

Assessment Methods

Exam: 50.0%
Synthesis work: 50.0%


Informação disponível em sítios Internet credíveis tanto quanto da preparação dos temas pelo docente, sob a forma de apresentações, como estudo dos alunos.