Condensed Matter Phyisics

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Mathematical Analysis I and II; General Physics I and II; Fundamentals of Modern Physics; Quantum Mechanics.

Teaching Methods

Topics of the syllabus are developed in lectures; participation of students is  encouraged to develop their critical thinking and ability to understand and relate concepts. Students will be asked to solve proposed problems during practical classes, aiming at clarifying their ideas and uncertainties through the dialogue with olleagues and with the teacher. Pre defined laboratory work, will be performed in groups of 2-3 students. These are encouraged to keep an updates 'logbook'; group reports of the experiments performed are required.

Learning Outcomes

Competences of Central Importance:
Theoretical understanding of physical phenomena.
Ability to solve problems.
Experimental and laboratorial abilities.
Thorough general culture in Physics.

Competences of secondary importance:
Deep and autonomous learning ability.
Ability to search and use bibliography.
Knowledge of informatics to be used in the study of the field.
Generic competences to be achieved:
Competences in analysis and synthesis.
Competences in oral and written communication.
Competences in group work.
Competences to communicate with non-specialists in this field.
Competences in autonomous learning
Competences to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice.

Work Placement(s)



1. Crystal structure of solids: description of the unit cell; symmetry elements and operations; Miller indices and fractional coordinates.
2. X-Ray, neutron and electron diffraction: Bragg's law and Laue equations. Atomic scattering factor and structure factor.
3. Imperfections (defects) in solids.
4. Dynamics of crystal lattices: vibration modes and dispersion relations.
5. Thermal properties of solids: models to calculate the specific heat, thermal conductivity; thermal expansion of the crystal lattice.
6. Electrons in solids: Drude and Sommerfeld models.Bloch electrons. Band structure of solids. Metals, semiconductors and insulators.
7. Introduction to semiconductors.
8. Elements of magnetism in solids. Dia and paramagnetic susceptibilities. Examples of ferro, antiferro and ferrimagnetic structures. Exchange interaction. Types of exchange interactions.Magnetic domains and hysteresis cycle.

Head Lecturer(s)

Fernando Manuel Silva Nogueira

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
Laboratory work or Field work: 25.0%
Frequency: 75.0%

Final assessment
Laboratory work or Field work: 25.0%
Exam: 75.0%


Apontamentos da disciplina - José António Paixão

Kittel, Charles. (1971). Introduction to Solid State Physics. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-49021-0
Ashcroft, N. W. & Mermin, N. D. (1986). Solid State Physics. Holt, Rinrhartand Winston. ISBN 0-03-083993-9
Blundell, S. (2001). Magnetism in Condensed Matter. Oxford Master Series in Condensed Matter Physics, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-850591-4