Research training

Academic year
Subject Area
Chemical Engineering
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Teaching based on the tutoring of scientific problem-solving activities, of an experimental nature, including scientific writing training. Valuation of laboratory autonomy and interaction with the team. The evaluation will be based essentially on two components: brief report related with a practical problem; brief oral presentations. Classification will be attributed on a scale qualitative scale with 4 levels of approval. 

Learning Outcomes

After completing the course, the student should be able to: develop work in the laboratory environment; have knowledge of safety in the laboratory environment; establish a critical analysis of experimental results; prepare scientific reports; writing scientific articles; and autonomously implement laboratory activities; to develop complementary task in order to accomplish team objectives. 

Work Placement(s)



Laboratory safety: handling and storage of reagents and acting under emergency conditions; Internship in laboratory environment at DEQ / UC: classification in the laboratory environment and equipment operation (analytical and chemical synthesis/processing); Autonomous laboratory experimentation: laboratory implementation of the work foreseen in a research project or activity, including research planning and experiments execution; Analysis of experimental data: manipulation and interpretation of data obtained as a result of the experimental work carried out; Writing of scientific articles: be familiar with the structure of a scientific article and critical analysis of data and comparison with the state of the art – writing of an overview about a specific topic; Seminars: thematic seminars presented in the context of the research group in which the scientific project is inserted or in interdisciplinary context; Oral communication: presentation of experimental results and discussion.

Head Lecturer(s)

Jorge Fernando Jordão Coelho

Assessment Methods

Brief report related with a practical problem; brief oral presentations: 100.0%


JA Martinho Simões, MAR Botas Castanho, IMS Lampreia, FJV Santos, CA Nieto de Castro, MT Pamplona, ME Minas da Piedade, Guia do Laboratório de Química e Bioquímica. 3.ª Edição, Lidel, 2017.
S Sanders (Editor), Your Practical Guide to Basic Laboratory Techniques. Science/AAAS, 2018. At:
G Basten, Introduction to Scientific Research Projects. Ventus Publishing ApS, 2010. At:
SS Carey, A Beginner's Guide to Scientific Method. 4th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011.