Sociology of Social Gender Relations

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

General rules of access to 3rd cycles are applicable.

Teaching Methods

Oral presentations will be complemented by class forums and opinion courts. In the weekly sessions, the group discussions will be focused on the strategies to integrate particular social theories about gender relations into selected research topics.

Assessment consists of: students’ class work (pro-activity and scientific level will be valued); students are required to write a short paper applying gender analysis to their research topic.

Learning Outcomes

The aim of this curricular unit is to promote and/or reinforce advanced theoretical and methodological competences concerned with the integration of sociological perspectives on sex/gender relations into students’ researches.

The students attending the course will:

- demonstrate an understanding of a wide range of sociological accounts of gender relations;

- gain a high level of awareness of the way gender relations impregnate on every dimension of social life;

- become familiar with theories and frameworks for analysing gender relations in different social contexts;

- be able to apply a wide range of theories to understand the substantive issues involved in gender relations and social change;

- expand transferable skills of verbal and written communication and self-reliant learning.

Work Placement(s)



Sex/Gender social relations will be addressed under a plurality of historical and theoretical perspectives. The first step encompasses the re-examination of the theoretical debates on central dichotomies – sex/gender; equality/difference; mainstreaming/empowerment; essentialism/intersectionality; desconstructivism/neomaterialism;
The second step is centred on the analysis of the workings of sex/gender relations in some of the foremost objects of sociological analysis, namely, education, family, work and employment, culture, and politics

Assessment Methods

Periodic, as given in the course information: 100.0%


- Bacchi, Carol & Joan Eveline (2010), Mainstreaming Politics: Gendering practices and feminist theory, Univ. of Adelaide Press

- Ferreira, Virgínia (Org.) (2010) A Igualdade de Mulheres e Homens no Trabalho e no Emprego em Portugal: Políticas e Circunstâncias, Lisboa, CITE

- Goertz, Gary & Amy G. Mazur (ed.) (2008), Politics, Gender, and Concepts: theory and methodology, Cambridge, Cambridge UP

- Hackett, Elizabeth & Sally Haslanger (2006), Theorizing Feminisms – a Reader, New YorK/Oxford UP

- Hawkesworth, Mary (2019), Gender and Political Theory - Feminist Reckonings. Polity Press

- Kimmel, Michael S. & Amy Aronson (eds.) (2017), The Gendered Society Reader, the 6th Ed, NY/Oxford UP

- Passos, Ana Helena et al (eds.) (2019) Mulheres e Feminismo(s): Narrativas Contemporâneas, Porto Seguro, BA, Editora Oyá.

- Romero, Mary (2017), Introducing Intersectionality. Polity Press

- Varikas, Eleni (2006), Penser le sexe et le genre, Paris, PUF.