Growth, Maturation and Performance

Academic year
Subject Area
Sport Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Auxology and kinantropometry; Youth sports; Training Methodology of Young Athletes; Pediatric physiology; capacity to read lieterature in english.     

Teaching Methods

The classes will assume a mix approach with theoretical moments and a more interactive environment.

The evaluation will promote the following assignments:

- Oral examination (50%);

- Synthesis work (50%).

Learning Outcomes

[1] Understanding growth and maturation and sexual dimorphism;

[2] Assessing biological maturation: sexual markers (scales of gonadal development and pubic hair), somatic markers (maturity offset; percentage of predicted mature height); transforming maturity offset and percentage of predicted mature height into maturity status;

[3] Assessing of body composition (anthropometric equations, bioimpedance and air displacement plethismography) and its relation with the growth and maturation processes;

[4] Identifying variation of growth status, maturity and body composition by sport, sex and age;

[5]  Interaction between growth and maturation and its effect in the preparation and development of young athletes.

Work Placement(s)



[1] Growth, maturation and sexual dimorphism;

[2] Biological maturation: sexual maturation (self and clinical assessment), somatic maturation (maturity offset, percentage of predicted mature height);

[3] effect of maturation in the growth process and implications to the readiness state and sport preparation;

[4] Interaction between growth, maturation and body composition. 

Head Lecturer(s)

António José Barata Figueiredo

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 50.0%
Exam: 50.0%


Figueiredo AJ, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Sarmento H, Morales J, Malina RM (2020). Adolescent Characteristics of Youth Soccer Players: Do They Vary with Playing Status in Young Adulthood?. Research in Sports Medicine, 28 (1), 72-83

Figueiredo AJ, Gonçalves CE, Tessitore A (2014). Bridging the Gap Between Empirical Results, Actual Strategies, and Developmental Programs in Soccer. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 9(3), 540-543.

Malina, R.M., Bouchard, C., & Bar-Or, O. (2004). Growth, maturation and physical activity. 2nd edition. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

Malina RM, Christina A. Geithner (2011). Body composition of Young Athletes.  American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 5(3), 262-278.

Malina RM, Rogol AD, Cumming SP, Coelho e Silva MJ, Figueiredo AJ (2015). Biological maturation of youth athletes: assessment and implications. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49 (13): 852–859. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2015-094623.