Master Dissertation
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Basic research methodology and descriptive and inferential statistic knowledge learnt in psychology first cycle curricular units. This curricular unit also benefits from the articulation with another curricular unit taught in ths master (Applied Methodology and Statistics), allowing students the application of the research methodology and data analysis skills and knowledge in a specific research project.
Teaching Methods
Teaching methodologies promote experiential and deep learning by the students:
a) Participation in research group seminars (for acquiring skills and contents required to the completion of the research project and the Integrated Master Thesis)
b) Tutorial accompanying (throughout the process of development and implementation of the research project and Integrated Master thesis)
Learning Outcomes
Main goal: to promote an understanding of the research process, together with the capacity to carry out research tasks. Students should develop two kinds of skills: specific skills according to the type of study they will conduct (quantitative and qualitative study or review) and transversal skills associated with the whole of the research process.
Specific skills
a) Conceptualization of research questions and hypotheses;
b) Observance of ethical procedures
c) Sample collection (if applicable);
d) Database search;
e) Literature review;
f) Database setup and data analysis (statistical, content/thematic, and review synthesis);
g) Scientific writing according to APA style;
Transversal skills
h) Critical persp taking on the scientific knowledge construction;
i) Ability to be informed and critical consumers of research outputs such as scient. articles and technical reports;
j) Consolidation of methodological knowwledge and skills
Work Placement(s)
1.Introductory Seminars: (a)Objectives and guidelines ; (b) Ethics in the reesearch process; (c)The scientific research project; (d)Steps in the development of a research project; (e)Database literature search; (f)APA style; (g)How to critically read a scientific paper; (h)Scientific writing.
2) State of the art literature review
3) Elaboration of the dissertation project
4) Sample collection
5. Advanced Seminars: (a)Quantitative studies (Data analysis adjusted to the research questions); (b)Qualitative studies (qualitative procedures adjusted to the research questions); (c)Review studies (meta-analysis abd systematic review).
6. Writing the dissertation
Head Lecturer(s)
Joaquim Armando Gomes Alves Ferreira
Assessment Methods
Elaboration of a master dissertation assessed by a jury: 100.0%
American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC : American Psychological Association.
Brough, P. (Ed.) (2019). Advanced research methods for applied Psychology: Design, analysis and reporting. New York, NY: Routledge.
Cargill, M., & O’Connor, P. (2009). Writing scientific research articles: Strategy and Steps. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Código Deontológico da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (2011). Retrived from:
Field, A. (2017). Discovering statistics using SPSS (5th ed.). London: Sage Publications.
A bibliografia específica será indicada pelo orientador de acordo com a temática da investigação/ dissertação a ser desenvolvida por cada aluno/a. The bibliography will be indicated by MA thesis supervisor according to the theme of the research / dissertation project to be developed by each student.