Development and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Developmental Psychology

Teaching Methods

Expositive/argumentative Method.


Group work and/or Field/research work.

Discussion of cases.

Learning Outcomes

Based on a paradigm of Applied Developmental Psychology, this unit seeks, fundamentally, to equip students with a developmental perspective on intervention with children and adolescents.

Specific objectives are:

- To strengthen an ecological perspective on the Human Development process;

- To develop the capacity to analyze some problems and particularities of certain development contexts and to elaborate specific intervention plans, which are developmentally informed;


At the end, students should be able:

- to identify the singularities of the developmental tasks and of the circumstances that function as risk factors or protective factors for the adaptation process of children and adolescents;

- to know strategies and programs of intervention/prevention in the developmental process and in some contexts of development of the child and the adolescent, based on evidence.

Work Placement(s)



1.The pair Development–Intervention:Contributes of the ecological perspective of development.

2.Develop. and Interv. in the context of psychological consultation

a)Special features about interviewing children/adolescents and parents;

b)Information devolution interview

3.Develop. and Interv. in the family context

a)Caregiving and the promotion of emotional (self)regulation

b)Toilet training and enuresis

c)Sexual develop. and education

d)Parents-adolescent relationship: supervision and autonomy

e)Parental attitudes and behavioral problems

f)Children of divorce

4.Develop. and Interv. in the social context

a)Peer and groups interactions and later adjustment

b)Pro-social behaviour, peer acceptance and friendship

c)Develop. and new technologies

d)Peer rejection and aggression: Deviant, anti-social behaviour, peer bullying and cyberbullying

5.Programs of develop. of personal and social competences (conflict resolution/Bullying prevention);Prevention of sexual and addictive risk

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria da Luz Bernardes Rodrigues Vale Dias

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 10.0%
Resolution Problems: 20.0%
Frequency: 70.0%


Arnett,J, Kurtines,W & Montgomery,M (Eds)(2008).Promoting Positive Youth Development:A Developmental Intervention,J. of Adolescent Research,Special Issue,23(3),233-359

Barros,L (2004).Perturbações de eliminação na infância e adolescência.Lisboa:Climepsi

Damon,W & Lerner,R (2008)(Eds).Child and Adolescent Development.An Advanced Course.NJ:John Wiley & Sons

Hartley,C & Somerville,L (2015).The neuroscience of adolescent decision-making.Current Opinion in Behav. Sciences,5,108-115

Kerns,K, Mathews,B, Koehn,A, Williams,C & Siener-Ciesla,S (2015).Assessing both safe haven and secure base support in parent-child relationships.Attachment and Human Develop.,17(4),337-35

Morgado,A, & Vale Dias,ML (2016).Antisocial behaviour in adolescence:Understanding risk factors and mediators through a structural equations model.Intern. J. of Developmental and Educ. Psychology,2(1),381-392

Zych,I, Farrington,D, Llorent,V, Ttofi,M (2017).Protecting Children Against Bullying and Its Consequences.NY:Springer.