Internship in Systemic Clinical and Health Psychology

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Students must have acquired the theoretical and practical skills in the systemic model, through the completion of the mandatory curricular units of the 1st year of the Systemic Clinical and Health Psychology

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodology: a. Tutorial and clinical supervision; students should attend senior therapists therapy sessions (cooperative supervisors), being personally guided and supervised by FPCE supervisor (tutorials);b. Group seminars focusing the interactive and active reflexive work integrating 3 major components of training objectives - theory, clinical practice and personal development.

Learning Outcomes

Objectives:the student should be familiar with the activities of the clinical psychologist in public and private professional institutions of physical and/or mental health care, and in which the work with families and other surrounding systems of the individual become relevant to promote psychological and psychosocial well-being (individual and relational).

Learning outcomes: by articulating the systemic theory and practice, the student should acquire the following basic professional skills: 1) clinical evaluation and diagnosis; 2) intervention planning; 3) conducting clinical processes; 4) reporting and communication of results, whenever appropriate. In addition: the student should be able to 1) develop teamwork, 2) learning how to communicate, written and verbally, with other professionals (of same and different specialties), and 3) reflecting on practice, professional ethics and the role of the psychologist in the institution.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction: preparation (FPCE supervisors) concerning three training axes (theoretical/clinical/personal development)

2. Definition of the training plan; setting up the activities to develop both in the host institution and FPCE;

3.Integration in the host institution and in the working team;

4. FPCE implementation of the training plan in FPCE (home supervisor) - development of systemic clinical skills: a) group seminars/clinical focused (case studies), theoretical basis analysis (bibliographic review presentation and discussion) and skills training (simulated sessions); b) supervision (personal /tutorial) of clinical cases and other activities based on a relational systemic perspective

5. Host institution implementation of the training plan (psychologist, cooperative supervisor): a) therapeutic processes’ clinical assessment and analysis, observation and supervised praxis; b) other activities reported on training plan

6. Preparation of biannual reports

7. Integrative syntesis

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Paula Pais Rodrigues Fonseca Relvas

Assessment Methods

Internship presentation and discussion: 100.0%


Gonçalves, M. M., & Gonçalves, O. F. (2001.). Psicoterapia, discurso e narrativa: a construção conversacional da mudança. Quarteto.

Lebow, J. (Ed.)(2005). Handbook of Clinical Family Therapy. NY: John Wileys & Son.   

Relvas, A. P. (2000). Por detrás do espelho. Da teoria à terapia com a família. Quarteto.

Relvas, A. P., & Sotero, L. (2014). Familias obligadas, terapeutas forzosos. La alianza terapéutica en contextos coercitivos. Ediciones Morata.

Pereira, R. & Linares, J. (2018). Clinical interventions in systemic couple and family therapy. Springer.

Rolland, J. (2018). Helping Couples and Families Navigate Illness and Disability: An Integrated Approache. Guilford.

Sousa, L., Relvas, A. P., & Mendes, Á. (2007). Enfrentar a velhice e a doença crónica. Climepsi Editores.

Sprenkle, D., Davis, S., & Lebow J. (2009). Common factors in couple and family therapy: the overlooked foundation for effective practice. Guilford.