Family Therapies
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
It is recommended to attend with approval the following u.c.s of the 1st cycle of studies: Family Psychology (optional) and Clinical and Health Psychology. The student should have good knowledge of English language (reading) considering that many bibliographical references are in English.
Teaching Methods
Expositive; practical exercises; presentation and discussion of clinical cases; video visualization; role-play of appointment requests and of sessions of Family Therapy.
Learning Outcomes
In this curricular unit the epistemological and clinical framework of Family Therapies of 1st order is made. We study the schools and pioneers of family therapy and their application to clinical interventionthe, underlying the most significant contributs to present Family Therapy.
Work Placement(s)
Introduction:Family Therapy’s evolutionary map: unity and diversity.Scientific and clinical context of appearance of Family Therapy; 1st order FT.FT in Portugal.
1. Schools and Pioneers:Family functioning theories and application models:a) Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin);b) Strategic Family Therapy (MRI); c) The Milan School Family Therapy (Palazzoli); d) Transgenerational Family Therapy (Bowen); e) other models (V.Satir’s, Experiential, Psychoanalytical and Cognitive-behavioral).
2. Practic Implications:a) therapeutic process and therapy request; b) the session: the setting and parts of the session; conjoint interview: communal and specific rules and procedures.
3. Family Therapy’s evaluation and intervention techniques and instruments:a) paradoxical and therapeutic tasks (MRI); b) positive connotation (Milan School); c) structural techniques (joining, enactment, restructuring) (Structural Model); d) genogram (Transgenerational Model) and Active Techniques (Experiential Model).
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria Madalena Santos Torres Veiga Carvalho
Assessment Methods
The project work, done in groups, stimulates research and development of critical and creative thinking applied to clinical work: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Bowen, M. (1978). Family Therapy in Clinical Practice. Jason Aronson.
Gurman, A.S., & Kniskern, D. P.(1991).Handbook of Family Therapy, Volumes 1 and 2.Brunner/Mazel.
Minuchin, S. (2012). Families and Family Therapy (1st edition 1974). Routledge.
Nichols, M.P., & Schwartz, R. C. (1998). Family Therapy. Concepts and methods (fourth edition).Allyn & Bacon.
Palazzoli, M. S; Boscolo, L.; Cecchin, G., & Prata, G. (1978).Paradox and Counterparadox. Jason Aronson.
Relvas, A. P. (1999). Conversas com famílias. Discursos e perspectivas em terapia familiar. Afrontamento.
Relvas, A. P; Alarcão, M.;Pereira, M. G. (2013).Family Systems Therapy and Training in Portugal, Contemporary Family Therapy 35, issue 2: 296-307.
Weakland, J., Fisch, R., Watzlawick, P., & Bodin, A. (1974). Brief therapy: Focused problem resolution. Family Process, 13,141-168.
Sexton, T. L., & Lebow, J. (Editors) (2016). Handbook of Family Therapy: The Science and Practice of Working with Families and Couples. NY:Routledge.