Systemic Clinical Psychology Foundations (Theory and Research)

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

It is recommended the frequency with approval in unity of the 1st cycle of studies in two courses: Family Psychology (elective) and Clinical and Health Psychology. The student must have good knowledge of English (reading) since many bibliographic references are in English.

Teaching Methods

This c.u.’s didactic methods are based on theoretical and practical teaching using lectures and active methodologies (e.g., role-play, debates, group dynamics, film analysis), fostering the articulation between theoretical concepts and their application, through reflective exercises; in the end of each teaching module, this c.u.’s chronogram preview a specific class dedicated to previous classes contents’ application. All the support material is provided prior to the classes, encouraging the students’ research and critical thinking as well as self-learning outside the classes.

Learning Outcomes

Objectives: Knowledge and critical understanding of theoretical assumptions and concepts underlying systemic psychology and psychopatology as well as the scientific evidence that supports it. Implications for assessment and intervention. Learning outcomes: ability to 1) identify a system as a) the object of understanding / intervention and b) describe it in structural and functional terms, 2) analyze its functioning, communication processes, having change in perspective, 3) assess psychopathology situations in relational and ecosystemic terms; 4) deconstruct problems in terms of multiple views and their reframing, 5) construct systemic hypotheses and thereafter, to identify therapeutic approaches; 6) review the empirical evidence in the field and draw implications. 

Work Placement(s)



1. Systemic paradigm/theoretical foundations: a) Systems Theory. Definition, structure and properties of systems; b) Cybernetics (s). Functioning and change in systems. The evolution of the cybernetic metaphor, combination with the constructivist and constructionist paradigms; c) Pragmatics of Human Communication. general principles and axiomatic.

 2. Systemic paradigm/concepts: a) complexity and interaction; b) change, multiple views and reframing.

 3. Ecosystemic psychopathology: a) concepts and application; b)symptom's development, meaning and function.

 4. Implications of the systemic paradigm in assessment and intervention: a) the systemic hypothesis

 5. Scientific evidence: empirical validation of systemic and family therapy; b) outcomes and process studies. Meta-analysis and systematic review; c) research on common factors in therapy and the particular case of systemic and family therapy 

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Paula Pais Rodrigues Fonseca Relvas

Assessment Methods

Group work with presentation in the classroom on the themes of the program: 40.0%
Individual work on a continuing basis, with a critical analysis based on theory of practical exercises and contents covered in the classes (portfolio): 60.0%


Borcsa, M., & Stratton, P. (2016). Origins and originality in family therapy and systemic practice. Springer.

Morin, E. (2017). Introdução ao pensamento complexo (6ª Ed.). Instituto Piaget.

Pereira, R. & Linares, J. (2018). Clinical interventions in systemic couple and family therapy. Springer.

Relvas, A. P. (2000). Por detrás do espelho. Da teoria à terapia com a família. Quarteto.

Relvas, A. P. (2000). Psicopatologia do desenvolvimento e contexto familiar: Perspectiva sistémica. In I. Soares (coord.), Psicopatologia do desenvolvimento: Trajectórias (in)adaptativas ao longo da vida (pp. 435-468). Quarteto Editora.

Sprenkle, D., Davis, S., & Lebow J. (2009). Common Factors in Couple and Family Therapy: The Overlooked Foundation for Effective Practice. Guilford.

Vilaça. M., & Relvas, A. P. (2014). The State of the Art in Family Therapy Research: What Works? How it Works? International Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 2, 10-19.