Computational Methods for Electrical Engineering

Academic year
Subject Area
Fundamental Sciences of Electrotechnics
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Mathematical Analysis, Linear Algebra and Computer Programming. 

Teaching Methods

The classes operate in two distinct modes: theoretical/practical master classes with students concentrated on a single class, and laboratory classes, where the students are divided into classes of 15 to 20 elements. In these laboratory classes, the students perform experimental and simulation works for testing the concepts acquired in master classes.

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit aims to present the students some fundamental computational tools, algorithms and techniques for solving problems in the area of electrotechnical engineering, which the students, as professionals, may come across.

The concepts will be introduced and exploited using MATLAB software. Thus, this curricular unit has also the objective of introducing this computer tool, which has a transversal usage in the most diverse areas of electrotechnical engineering, and with applications in advanced curricular units of the course.

At the end of this curricular unit, the students should be able to:

(i) Identify, analyze and solve a presented problem using the most appropriate computational tools;

(ii) Use MATLAB software to solve problems, either through built-in tools, already available with MATLAB, or through the implementation of algorithms and / or scripts.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction to Computational Methods and its importance in Electrical Engineering.

2. Introduction to MATLAB. MATLAB fundamentals. Matrices and vectors. Matrix operations. Element-wise operations. Solving systems of linear equations.

3. Logical vector and logical indexing.

4. Scripts and user defined functions.. Anonymous functions.

5. Program flow control. Debugging.

6. MATLAB Graphics.

7. Symbolic toolbox. Solving of equations and systems of equations. Integration and differentiation.

8. Roots of algebraic and transcendental equations. fzero and root MATLAB functions.

9. Numerical integration. Integral, integral2 and integral3 MATLAB functions.

10. Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). MATLAB functions for numerically solving ODE.

11. Curve fitting and interpolation.

12. Optimization problems.

Head Lecturer(s)

Tony Richard de Oliveira de Almeida

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 10.0%
Mini Tests: 20.0%
Project: 20.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Morais, V.; Vieira, C. (2006) - Matlab 7 & 6 Curso Completo, FCA

Quarteroni, Alfio (2007) - Cálculo científico com MATLAB e Octave, Springer

Bober, W.; Stevens, A (2013) - Numerical and Analytical Methods with MATLAB for Electrical Engineers, CRC Press.

Esfandiari, R. (2017) - Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists using MATLAB, 2ed, CRC Press.