Themes of the Young Adult Career Development

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not defined.

Teaching Methods

1. Oral presentation and discussion in class

2. Critical review of selected texts and scientific papers addresing  issues associated to a ‘metaphor',

3. Introduction and experience with methodologies for collecting and analyzing work / career histories

4. Analysis and discussion of cases in light of theories / models and discussion of implications for intervention (case study methodology)

5. Career development exercises.

Learning Outcomes

(1) To identify issues of theoretical and applied significance for students  in the human relationship with work and career; the psychological functions of work; To acquire an historical and contextualized understanding;

(2) To develop a systemic view by distinguishing a multiplicity of referents and issues about careers (organized in light of the 'metaphors' proposed by Inkson, Dries & Arnold, 2015) according to which to identify, understand and /or apply psychological and psychosocial models, research methodologies and outcomes

(3) To be able to apply the theoretical frameworks in the analysis and discussion of cases or situations

i. To know and apply interview (s) to collect career history data;

ii. Apply concepts and theories in the analysis of a case;

(4) To reflect and identify own career development needs and to experience career development exercises.

Work Placement(s)



1.Concepts, psychological functions, meanings of work; Meanings; Motivation and self-determination

2.Concept and dimensions of career

3.Socio-historical context; contemporary career environments

4.Systemic perspective: issues, models, theories and implications

a.Social roles and identity: negotiation, transition, conflict and conciliation

b.Vocational personality, person-environment correspondence in occupational choice, adjustment

c.Developmental phases, processes and cycles over the life-span (young adult)

d.Agency, self-concept implementation, adaptability skills and processes; social cognitive beliefs and processes

e.Socio-structural factors and influences of gender, social class, race, family background and education

f.Representations of movements, trajectories and ‘topography’; the ‘new careers’

g.Relationships, career networks and communities

h.Autobiographical construction, narrative identity and rhetorical function in career

5.Practice of career development/ management.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria São João Castilho Breda

Assessment Methods

Laboratory work or Field work: 50.0%
Synthesis work: 50.0%


Inkson, K., Dries, N., & Arnold, J.(2015). Understanding careers (2nd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage.

Blustein,D. (2006). The Psychology of Working: A new perspective for career development, counseling, and public policy. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Hartung, P. & Subich, L. (eds)(2011). Developing self in work and career.  Concepts, cases and contexts. Washington: APA

Brown, S.D. & Lent, S.W. (2005). Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work. Hoboken, NJ.: J Wiley &Sons.

Greenhaus, J.H., Callanan, G.A. & Godshalk, V.M. (2010). Career Management (4th ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Brêda, SJ & Santos, A.(2017). Estudo sobre efeitos das influências interpessoais nos projetos de jovens do ensino secundário: modelos de papel e “escultores”. IV Congresso Nac Conversas de Psicologia. APCDP, Coimbra, Novemb, 2017

Galvão, I.(2017). Papel da família no ajustamento académico em percursos com predominância de género.Tese de Mestrado em Psicologia (orientada Breda,MSJ) FPCE_UC