Field Archaeology

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Classes are supported with digital images in the classroom. The extensive use of images will illustrate the various components of the contents of the course. Analysis and review of texts and images, with particular attention to the different types of archaeological sites, the various methodologies employed in field walking and excavation work and the different techniques used. A field trip where students take contact with some of the main techniques of field work, surveying, mapping and archaeological drawing. This field trip will happen in the second semester.

Learning Outcomes

Recognize the Field Archaeology as a scientific study and essential to the exercise of the practice of archaeology; recognize the Field Archaeology as a study of the techniques and methodologies used by archaeologists in archaeological field walking and excavation; know the latest trends and updated scientific production in plans of the analysis and synthesis of the historiography of Field Archaeology; be able to explain and problematize what they have learned, using specific vocabulary and incorporated them into the conceptual universe of the discipline; acquire  knowledge and skills that enable a the future study and field experience, either in a scientific point of view, either on the dissemination or even on the conservation and protection of the archaeological heritage.

Work Placement(s)



I.Before the field
Preparation of the work, tutelary institutions, legislation and administrative practices
II. Fieldwor
2.Field walking: sites and / or landscapes.
2.1.Prior collection and planning: the various surveys
2.2.Methodologies prospecting: strategies and procedures to record data collection
2.3.The processing of information: the processes of formation and transformation of archaeological sites, data interpretation
2.4.Cartography: maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
3.The excavation
3.1.The development of excavation techniques: the concept of stratification with Pitt-Rivers to the excavation on area
3.2.The stratigraphic record: its individualization, description, interpretation and relatedness
3.3.The graphic and photographic record
3.4.The materials and their contexts
3.5.In conclusion, the archaeological remains
III.The post-field
4th.Making sense of the past.
4.1.The various interpretive processes. The public archaeology

Assessment Methods

Exam: 100.0%


BINTLIFF, John (2006), A Companion to Archaeology, United Kingdon, Blackwell Publishing.

BARKER, Philip (1989), Techniques of Archaeological Excavation, London, B.T. Batsford Lda.

GAMBLE, Clive (2006), Archaeology: The Basics, London and New York, Routledge.

GREENE, Kevin e MOORE, Tom (2002), Archaeology: An Introduction, London and New York, Routledge.

HARRIS, Edward (1991), Principios de Estratigrafia Arqueológica, Barcelona, Critica.

RENFREW, Colin e BAHN, Paul (2004), Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, London, Thames and Hudson.

RENFREW, Colin e BAHN, Paul (2005), Archaeology: The Key Concepts, London and New York, Routledge.

ROSKAMS, Steve (2001), Excavation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

SANJUÁN, Leonardo García (2005), Introducción al Reconocimiento y Análisis Arqueológico del Territorio, Barcelona, Ariel Prehistoria.