Clinical and Health Psychology

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

It is advisable that students have previously taken the following courses: History and Epistemology of Psychology, Psychopathology. 

Teaching Methods

Teaching will be explanatory, interactive and promoting discussion, making use and discussing practical examples both I small grups and in the big group.

Learning Outcomes

The main aim of this curricular unit will be to promote the aquisition of knowledge that will allow to understand what clinical psychology and health psychology consist of, addresing their core features, similarities and differences, as well as to get to know several models impicated in both areas.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this curricular unit students will be able to:

1) Distinguish clinical psychology and health psychology fields of study and application

2) Understand the relevance of both areas to the promotion of physical and psychological health and well being

3) Know several theoretical and clinical models that can be used in clinical and health psychology

4) Know the relevance and fields of application of these models.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introductory module

a.History and evolution of clinical (CP) and health psychology (HP); important models overview

a.Health, illness, well-being and satisfaction with life; factors that influence health and well-being

b.Study and application fields of CP and HP:differences/articulations

c.Core issues in the therapeutic relationship in CP and HP

2. Cognitve-behavioural model

a.General principles and core concepts: from behavioural models to contextual models

b. General aspects of assessment, conceptualization and intervention

c. Fields of application:research data

3.Psychodynamic model

a.General principles and core concepts: the freudian and the kleinien models

b.General aspects of assessment, conceptualization and intervention

c.Fields of application:research data

4.Systemic model

a.General principles and core concepts: systemic approach and constructivist perspective

b.General aspects of assessment, conceptualization and intervention

c.Fields of application:research data.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Paula Pais Rodrigues Fonseca Relvas

Assessment Methods

Mini Tests: 100.0%


- Relvas, A.P. (1999) Conversas com famílias. Discursos e perspectivas em terapia familiar. Porto: Afrontamento.

-Sexton, T. L., & Lebow, J. (Editors) (2016). Handbook of Family Therapy: The Science and Practice of Working with Families and Couples. NY:Routledge.

- Taylor, S. E. (2012). Health Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill.

- Tolin, D. F. (2016). Doing CBT: A comprehensive guide to working with behaviours, thoughts, and emotions. New York: Guiford.

- Tridon, A. (2006). Psychoanalysis: Its History, Theory and Practice. London: Kessinger Publishin

- Westbrook, D. Kennerley, H. & Kirk, J. (2010, 3ªed). An introduction to cognitive behaviour therapy: Skills and applications. Los Angeles: Sage

- White, C.A. (2001). Cognitive behavior therapy for chronic medical problems. Chichester: Wiley.