
Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

To have approval concerning the curricular units of the 1st year of this cycle of studies.

Teaching Methods

During the 2nd semester of the 1st year of studies, students must choose if they want to do a dissertation in the following year and, at the same time, they have the opportunity to present suggestions about the themes that they want to develop in their master dissertations. After that, the coordination of this cycle of studies will designate the academic supervisor of the dissertation for each student. From then on, students will have regular meetings with their own supervisors. Students must also to sustain their written dissertation before a panel.

Learning Outcomes

Objectives: to do a research in the sociological domain of studies and to write a dissertation concerning that research;


To be able to use theoretical and methodological knowledge (already acquired and to acquire during the working process) in order to make it useful for the research to be done;

To be able to develop a research work with autonomy, critical sense and an original reflexion;

To be able to write a dissertation showing in a clear way the several components of the research work that was developed: its theoretical framework, the analytic model and the methodology applied, and also the central conclusions obtained;

To be able to write a dissertation arguing in a clear and sustainable way in order to show the coherence, validity, pertinence of the several components of the research work that was developed (theory, methodology and conclusions).

Work Placement(s)



Not applicable, once it depends on the theme of each dissertation.

Head Lecturer(s)

Rosa Filomena Brás Lopes Monteiro

Assessment Methods

Assessment 1
Research work: 100.0%

Assessment 2
Dissertation : 100.0%


Não aplicável (A bibliografia é muito variável, consoante o conteúdo do tema de cada dissertação)

Not applicable (The references are very variable, depending on the content of each dissertation theme).