Research/internship seminar

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Research Methods Laboratory I e II.

Teaching Methods

Regular classes are organized in a rather flexible format as to include:

Theoretical lectures by the teacher. Classes devoted to the students’ presentations of their own work in progress (preliminary projects).

Learning Outcomes

The study unit aims at providing assistance in the designing of the MA dissertation/report of the internship.


At the end of this seminar students should be able to:

Provide and analyse the various means of information and research support.

To approach and discuss the conditions of application of the scientific method in the context of sociological research.

Analyse written and oral communication techniques.

Search bibliographic research bases and organize the bibliography of a document.

Search statistical data and its presentation.

Draw up a work proposal.

Build the literature review appropriate to the investigation.

Adapt the methodology to the project.

Interpret data and results achieved.

Build an executive summary.

Deepen theoretical, methodological, analytical and technical knowledge about dimensions of professional performance.

Publicly expose sociological papers and reports, using appropriate technical language and appropriate argumentation.

Work Placement(s)



The current study unit has a broad set of topics concerning issues of scientific methodologies and techniques of communication/presentation of reports:

- Methods of research in social sciences;

- Oral/Written techniques of exposition;

- How to organize a MA thesis;

- Introducing the challenges of the Internship/Project;

- The relationship of training and learning styles-expectations of the trainees and supervisors;

- Approach and integration strategies in an organization – best practices;

- To characterize an organization-sources, methodologies and dimensions;

- Case studies;

- Internship/Project Planning – defining objectives and activities;

- Applied sociology – Definitions, models, objectives and tools;

- Rules to write the final report;

- Case studies.

Head Lecturer(s)

Sílvia Margarida Violante Portugal Correia

Assessment Methods

Attendance: 20.0%
Participation in class discussions: 30.0%
Individual presentations: 50.0%


CORREIA, A. e MESQUITA, A., Mestrados & Doutoramentos. Lisboa, Vida Económica, 2013..

ECO, U. - Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas. 13ª ed. Lisboa, Presença, 2007. [BP 001.8 ECO]

ESTRELA, E.; SOARES, M. A. ; LEITÃO, M. J. - Saber escrever uma tese e outros textos. 4ª ed. Lisboa, D. Quixote, 2006. [BP 001.8 EST]

IDRC-Toolkit for researchers. Disponível em WWW: <URL:>.

MADEIRA, A. C.  ; ABREU, M. M. P. - Comunicar em ciência: como redigir e apresentar trabalhos científicos. Lisboa, Editora Escolar, 2004. [BP 001.8 MAD]

MARTINS, G. A. ; THEÓPHILO, C. R. - Metodologia da investigação científica para ciências sociais aplicadas. São Paulo, Atlas, 2009. [BP 303 MAR]

THIOLLENT, Michel J. M. - Metodologia da pesquisa-ação. 4ª ed.. São Paulo, Cortez e Autores Associados, 1988. [BP 303 THI].