Luso- Brazilian Labour Law I
Legal and Corporate Law
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Constitucional Law and General Theory of Civil Law.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical-pratical lessons, theorical approach and legal framework of the subjects under consideration, followed by illustration with cases of the life, taken mainly from Portuguese and Brazilian case law. The class will be oriented towards student participation and the development of their critical spirit.
Learning Outcomes
It is intended to understand the general notions and special definitions of Collective Labour Law, from positive law and critical point of view, both in the Portuguese and in the Brazilian legal systems, namely freedom of association, collective bargaining process, industrial conflict and the means of alternative dispute resolution.
Work Placement(s)
Collective Labour Law - notion and meaning; General notions of Collective Labour Law; the representative organizations of workers and employers; freedom of association; the unitary of representation in enterprise: the work council; freedom Employers' association; the collective bargaining right and the collective bargaining process; the right to strike and its restrictions, the procedure and the modalities of the strike; notion and modalities of collective labour conflict, settlement of labour disputes. A comparative study will be made between Portuguese law and Brazilian law.
Head Lecturer(s)
Luísa Maria Freitas Gomes Andias Gonçalves
Assessment Methods
Exam: 100.0%
Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho, Tratado de Direito do Trabalho, Parte III Situações Laborais Colectivas, Almedina, Coimbra, 2015,
Maurício Godinho Delgado, Direito Coletivo do Trabalho, LTr, 7ª Ed., 2017.
- João Reis, Meios de Composição do Conflito Laboral Coletivo - Conciliação, mediação, arbitragem, Gestlegal, 2019.