Portuguese Brazilian Constitutional Law I
Legal and Political Science
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
History and Philosophy.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical and practical classes.
Learning Outcomes
Portuguese-Brazilian Constitutional Law I is a curricular unit to be taught in the 1st semester of the 1st year. As the students are interested in comparative law, but do not have great knowledge of Constitutional Law, its main objectives are to teach basic and/or fundamental notions about the main themes of Constitutional Law in this comparative perspective. Namely, in Part I: the notion of Constitution and the birth of constitutionalism, the constituent power both in Portugal and in Brazil, the concept of Constitutional State; in Part II: the fundamental principles both of the Portuguese Constitution (CRP) and the Brazilian Constitution (CFB); the fundamental rights, also in both Constitutions.
Work Placement(s)
Part II - Constitutional law, constitution and constitutionalism(s')
1. Notions of constitutional law and comparative constitutional law
2. Constitutionalism(s')
3. Constituent power in portugal (1976) and in brazil (1988)
3.1. Original constituent power (portugal 1976 and brazil 1988)
3.2. Constitutional review and amendments
Part II - the 1976 constitution of the portuguese republic and the 1988 constitution of the federative republic of brazil: identities
1. Constitutional state (rule of law and democracy)
2. The principial structure
Part III - fundamental rights
3.1. Basic approach on some concepts and historical aspects of fundamental rights
3.2. The unversality of fundamental rights
3.3. Typology (s') of fundamental rights.
Head Lecturer(s)
António Eduardo Baltar Malheiro Magalhães
Assessment Methods
Exam: 100.0%
Slides da Unidade Curricular da autoria da docente, a disponibilizar na plataforma electrónica da Universidade de Coimbra (NONIO)
J. J. Gomes Canotilho, Direito Constitucional e Teoria da Constituição, Almedina, Coimbra, 7ª ed., 2003
Paulo Bonavides, Curso de Direito Constitucional, Malheiros Editores, 34.ª ed., 2019.