Mercosul Law I

Academic year
Subject Area
Legal and Political Science
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Portuguese and Brazilian Constitutional Law; Public International Law and EU Law I and II; full dominion over Portuguese and English Language.

Teaching Methods

The teacher will address orally the theoretical foundations, giving way to the possibility of submission of projects (either individual or in groups) of written submissions, that may be presented orally in class.

Learning Outcomes

Understanding of the nature and characteristics of Brazilian legal relations with other South American countries;

Perspective on Brazil's historical relation with international organizations at American and global level

Regional integration and Brazil

The origins of the Mercosul and the path to the Treaty of Assunção and the Additional Protocols

Fulling understading of Mercosul, its Attributions and Goals and its institutional structure.

Domain of the Mercosul legal order and the challenges of ensuring an effective implementation of the Mercosul acts.  

Work Placement(s)



a) International Law of Integration

1. International Societas: The State and International Organizations (IOs)

2. The history of IO

3. IOs Law: old and new paradigms

4. IOs of Integration in the XX century

a. Economic Integration: historical models and its development.

b. Political, military and cultural integration

b) Brief description of the European integration: lessons to Mercosul (from the Communities to the EU)

1. EU law: mean features

2. EU law, EU competences and international relations

c) Cooperation and economic integration in America

d) Mercosul

1. Introduction

2. Origins

3. The Treaty of Assunção, 1991

a. Nature and structure

b. Competences

c. Institutional system of ercosul

d. Legal system of Mercosul

e. The system of conflict resolutions in Mercosul

4. A brief history of Mercosul

5. Mercosul legal order and the Member states law (v.g. Brazil, Argentina, etc.)

6. O Mercosul and EU.

Head Lecturer(s)

Miguel Maria Tavares Festas Gorjão-Henriques da Cunha

Assessment Methods

Exam: 100.0%


Elisabeth Accioly, Mercosul e Unioão Européia - Estrutura Jurídico-Institucional, 4.ª ed., actualizada

Elisabeth Accioly, Sistema de solução de controvérsias em Blocos Econômicos

Miguel Gorjão-Henriques, Direito da União, Almedina, Coimbra, 9.ª ed., 2018.

Luís Antonio Velasco San Pedro (org.), Mercosur y Union Europea: Dos modelos de integracion economica, Lex Nova, 1998

Elisa de Sousa Ribeiro (coord.), Direito do Mercosul, Curitiba, 2013

LAfayette Pozzoli, Direito Comunitário Europeu - uma perspectiva para a América Latina, Editora Método, São Paulo, 2003

Faculdade de Direito de Coimbra, O Mercosul e a União Europeia, 1994.