Portuguese-Brazilian Law of Obligations II

Academic year
Subject Area
Legal and Civil Science
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Law of the General Part of the Civil Code.

Teaching Methods

Though students are exceptionally allowed to intervene during theory classes, practical classes are especially designed both to ensure their questions get answered and to discuss specific cases.

Evaluation: in general through a final written exam, and, optionally, an oral one (if the student gets 10 or more in the written test).

During the semester, students may also choose to prepare written reports. Good, intensive class participation is also an evaluation element.

Learning Outcomes

Along with the scientific-pedagogical dimension that is stressed in the first semester, a practical concern is also in mind.

The law of obligations is a very broad field. Even though we have set aside “Contracts in Particular”, the topics included in the General Part of The Law of Obligations are hardly dealt with in full detail.

As we proceed through the core contents, our concern is one of leaving behind no gaps, and also bring up the basic ideas concerning items that will be taught in due time – e.g. Securities.

On the other hand, we seek to familiarize students with the rules of general rules main contracts and some specific Statutes, and this we do mainly by means of examples that may illustrate the different rules.

Work Placement(s)



PART III - Termination of the Obligations

Chapter I - Performance

Section I - Notion and  requirements

Section II - Place of performance

Section III - Time of performance

Section IV - Imputation and proof of performance, Restitution of the title

Chapter II - Non-performance

Section I - General features

Section II - Impossibility and default not attributable to the debtor

Section III - Non-performance due to the debtor

Section IV - Mora creditoris

Section V - Indemnity agreements

Section VI - Forced execution

Section VII - Astreintes

Section VIII - Assignment for the benefits of creditors

Capítulo III - Termination causes other than performance


Chapter I – Modalities

Section 1- Concerning the subjects

Section 2 - Concerning the object

Chapter II - Transmission of the obligations

Chapter III - Securities.

Assessment Methods

Exam: 100.0%


JOÃO DE MATOS ANTUNES VARELA, Das Obrigações em Geral, vol. 1, 10.ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 2000

JOÃO DE MATOS ANTUNES VARELA, Das Obrigações em Geral, vol. 2, 7.ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 1997

JOÃO CALVÃO DA SILVA, Responsabilidade Civil do Produtor, Almedina, Coimbra, 1990

ANTÓNIO PINTO MONTEIRO, Clausulas Limitativas e de Exclusão da Responsabilidade Civil, Almedina, Coimbra, 1985

ANTÓNIO PINTO MONTEIRO, Cláusula Penal e Indemnização, Almedina, Coimbra, 1990

ORLANDO GOMES, Obrigações, 19.ª ed., Editora Forense, Rio de Janeiro, 2019

GUSTAVO TEPEDINO (ed.), Obrigações. Estudos na Perspectiva Civil-Constitucional, Renovar, Rio de Janeiro, 2005

FERNANDO NORONHA, Direito das Obrigações, 4.ª ed., Editora Saraiva, São Paulo, 2013

CARLOS ROBERTO GONÇALVES, Direito Civil Brasileiro. Teoria Geral das Obrigações, vol. 2, 15.ª ed., Editora Saraiva, São Paulo, 2018.