Luso-Brazilian Law of Obligations IGne
Legal and Civil Science
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
General Theory of Civil Law.
Teaching Methods
Lectures are fully justified insofar as they provide knowledge of the legal presuppositions for practical cases. Tutorials are indispensable as well, and their practical format fits into the need to address a wide range of real life cases (from case law or fictional), through selection in the theoretical framework applicable to each case. Given the comparative law concerns that punctuate this course, particular importance is attached to the analysis of the decisions of the Portuguese and Brazilian Courts (especially the High Courts).
Learning Outcomes
Provide students with training on personal rights or obligations. Which entails a fair amount of theoretical knowledge, indispensable for the resolution of real life cases involving human interests. As a course integratend into a Luso-Brazilian Law programme, it is necessary that the theoretical and practical training in the core issues refer to both the situation of Portuguese Law and the situation of Brazilian Law.
Work Placement(s)
1. Obligations in the framework of Patrimonial Civil Law. 2. Concept of obligation. 3. Object of obligation: provision and its provisions (with a special reference to the Brazilian Law System concerning: duty to act - art. 247 and 249 of Braz. Civ. Code, duty to abstain from na act- art. 250 and 251 of Braz. Civ. Code, duty to deliver - art. 233-242 of Braz. Civ. Code, inexistence in Portuguese law of regulation like the one in art. 439 and 440 of Braz. Civil Code, promise of performance by a third party) 4. Distinction between personal rights and property rights. (A special reference to the doctrine of external efficiency of credits theory) 5. Sources of obligations: especially contracts and civil liability. 6. General principles of contract 7promise-contract 7Pact of preference and its regulation 8Pre-emption agreement and its regulation. 9Contract for legal person to be appointed and its regulation 10Unilateral undertakings 11Negotiorum gestio 12Unjustified enrichment.
Head Lecturer(s)
João António Pinto Monteiro
Assessment Methods
Exam: 100.0%
Antunes Varela, Das Obrigações em Geral, I; 10ª ed, Coimbra, 2010;
João Calvão da Silva, Cumprimento e sanção pecuniária compulsória,4ª ed., Coimbra, 2002;
João Calvão da Silva, Sinal e Contrato-promessa, 13ª edição, Coimbra, 2010.
João Calvão da Silva, Responsabilidade Civil do Produtor, , Almedina, 1990
Bibliografia complementar
António Menezes Cordeiro, Direito das Obrigações;
Inocêncio Galvão Telles, Manual do Direito das Obrigações, da 7ª edição, 2010;
Luís Menezes Leitão, Direito das Obrigações, Vol. I, 9ª edição, Coimbra, 2010;
Pereira, Caio Mário da Silva. Responsabilidade Civil, Rio de Janeiro, Forense, 1999.
Tartuce, Flávio, Direito Civil, 8.ª ed., São Paulo, Método, 2013.
Noronha, Fernando, direito das Obrigações, 4.ª ed., São Paulo, Saraiva, 2013.
Tepedino, Gustavo, O Superior Tribunal de Justiça e a Reconstrução do Direito Privado, São Paulo; RT, 2011.
Pamplona Filho,Rodolfo, Novo Curso De Direito Civil brasileiro, vol. 3, São Paulo, Saraiva, 2003.