Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Modelling

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The programme will have both theoretical and theoretical-practical classes, in order to allow the student to perform the appropriate tasks related to the analysis of georeferenced data. There will be a strong practical component with the resolution of several exercises proposed by the lecturers throughout all the modules, particularly oriented to the manipulation of georeferenced information either in vector or in matrix formats.

The evaluation will correspond to the execution of a GIS project to solve an environmental problem.

Learning Outcomes

Goals and skils:

-Get familiar with GIS environment and its potential applications.

-Recognize the importance of GIS as communication and decision making tools in the management/conservation of biological resources.

-Develop the ability to search different sources and types of geographic data.

-Apply data acquisition/creation techniques and the main functions of spatial analysis in the resolution of concrete issues of ecology and environmental management.

-Plan and execute a GIS project autonomously.

-Encourage self-learning as well as team-building to solve environmental problems.

Work Placement(s)



Module 1 - GIS and Spatial Modeling: Key Concepts

1.1. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): what are they and what they are used for.

1.2. Components and levels of information.

1.3. Georeferencing and coordinate systems.

1.4. GIS as an important tool for communication and decision making.


Module 2: ArcGIS: Graphical User Interface, Functions, and Operations

2.1. ArcGIS software, graphical interface and functions.

2.3. Import / create data, organize and share information.

2.4. Searching geographic information.

2.5. Structuring a GIS project.


Module 3. Creating and editing vector and matrix data.

3.1. Raster and vector geographic models.

3.2. Integration of spatial and non-spatial data and geoprocessing.

3.3. Design of layouts and maps.


Module 4. GIS projects applied to biological resources’ management

4.1. Presentation of FRAGSTATS software.

4.2. Landscape metrics.

4.3. GIS project.

Head Lecturer(s)

José Paulo Filipe Afonso de Sousa

Assessment Methods

Project: 100.0%


Bibliografia e webgrafia aconselhada ao longo das aulas (textos didáticos, exercícios práticos, websites com informação espacial).

Outra bibliografia de apoio:

Burrough, P.A. McDonnell, R., McDonnell, R. A., & Lloyd, C. D.. 2015. Principles of Geographical Information Systems, 3rd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cosme, António. 2012. Projeto em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. Lisboa, Lidel.

Matos, João. 2008. Fundamentos de informação geográfica. Lisboa, Lidel.

Manual de ArcGIS básico 10 desenvolvido pela Facultad de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva.

ArcGIS tutoriais: ESRI -