Geological Structures and Geophysical Interpretation

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Structural Geology; Geophysics; Applied Geophysics; Stratigraphy. 

Teaching Methods

- Theoretical classes with detailed explanation, using audiovisual media, scattered throughout the semester, in line with the practical classes;

- Resolution of theoretical and practical exercises related to the topics addressed;

- Resolution of practical exercises with computer support.  

Learning Outcomes

1.Identify the main geological structures related to hydrocarbons;

2.Recognize the application of the various geophysical methods in the study of sedimentary;

3.Recognize and understand the physical principles that form the basis of geophysical methods;

4.Modeling of geophysical data and identify and interpret geological structures;

5.Select the best suited geophysical prospecting methods to situations which arose;

6.Choose the most favorable sampling grid;

7.Relate the geophysical methods with geostructural models;

8.Recognize the existence of ambiguities in the interpretation of geophysical / structural models

9. Learn to communicate in written and oral form, information on examples of geological structures and data processing methods and geophysical interpretation, using bibliographic sources and appropriate analysis methodologies

10. Understand the geological characteristics of the sedimentary basins and the geophysical methods used in data collection and in interpretation models.

Work Placement(s)



1.Geological structures and contexts
1.1.Non tectonic
2.Seismic Reflection prospecting
2.1.2-D and 3-D data acquisition
2.2.Data processing
2.3.Seismic stratigraphy interpretation
2.4.Structural geological interpretation
2.5.Construction and interpretation of isobaths and isopach maps
2.6.Ambiguity of interpretation
3.Gravity prospecting
3.1.Absolute and relative measures of gravity
3.2.Data acquisition
3.3.Data corrections
3.4.Bouguer density
3.5.Bouguer, regional and residual anomalies
3.6.Gravitational effects of simple geometry bodies, 2-D and 3-D bodies
3.7.Interpretation of data
3.8.Ambiguity of interpretation
3.9.Calculation of mass excess
3.10.Depth estimation
3.11. Gravity and isostasy
4. Magnetic prospecting
4.1. Earth's magnetic field
4.2. Magnetic susceptibility of rocks
4.3. Magnetic field measurements and magnetic gradient
4.4. Magnetic effects of simple geometry bodies
4.5. Interpretation of data
5. Well-logs, application and typology.

Head Lecturer(s)

Fernando Carlos da Silva Coelho Lopes

Assessment Methods

Report of a seminar or field trip: 10.0%
Laboratory work or Field work: 15.0%
Mini Tests: 20.0%
Resolution Problems: 20.0%
Exam: 35.0%


Dobrin, M. B. E Savit, C. H., (1988) -Introduction To Geophysical Prospecting. Mcgraw-Hill Internacional Editions.
Garland, G. D. (1979) -Introduction To Geophysics. 2ª Ed., W. B. Saunders Company, Filadelfia, E.U.A.
Henry, G. (1997) -Geophysics For Sedimentary Basins. Éditions Technip, Paris, França.
Letouzey, J., Colletta, B., Vially, R., Chermette, J.C., 1996. Evolution Of Salt-Related Structures In Compressional
Settings. In M. P. A. Jackson, D. G. Roberts And S. Snelson (Eds.), Salt Tectonics: A Global Perspective.AAPG
Memoir65, 41-60.
Mitchum, R.M., Jr., Vail, P.R., 1977. Seismic Stratigraphy And Global Changes Of Sea-Level. Part. 7: Seismic
Stratigraphic Interpretation Procedure. In C.E. Payton (Eds.), Seismic Stratigraphy-Application To Hydrocarbon
Exploration,A.A.P.G. Memoire26, 135-143.
Mitchum, R.M., Jr. Vail, P.R., Sangree, J.B., 1977. Seismic Stratigraphy And Global Changes Of Sea-Level. Part.6:
Stratigraphic Interpretation Of Seismic Reflection Patterns In Depositional.