Health(care) Policy, Politics, and Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Civil Legal
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

No specific prerequisites recommended.

Teaching Methods

Exposition, exploration and discussion of themes starting from accompanied readings, and consequent presentation and discussion of written works as a basis for critical debate and reflection.

Learning Outcomes

Aware of the growing recognition of transformative constitutionalism, this seminar aims to capitalize on the original Port.-Brazil. contribution to democratic-social constitutionality, on a transnational scale, offering students a critical reflection, rather refounding, regulatory and constitutively reconstructive, on the subjects, the modes and rationalities of the respective non-jurisdictional realization in the nuclear societal of healthcare. To that end, it invites them to an exercise of rediscovery-reinvention of entities and services of universal provision as constitutively mediating instances of a constitutional culture of equality and social integration - acted and sanctioned in organic-procedural, functional and practical-material terms - aspiring to familiarize them with the values, interests and concepts involved in the public law and policy of the sector, and to introduce them to the appreciation and resolution autonomously capable of the various problems thus risen.

Work Placement(s)



Introduction: The polymorphic actualization of constitutional sociality, under the spectre of Biopolitics, and the Digital Gestell.

I. Health

 1 Logoi

 2 Topoi

 3 Nomoi and Dikê

II. Law & Health

 1 From the Right to Health(care) to Health Law 

 2 The Juridical Ordering of Healthcare

 2.1 Functions, Characteristics, Effects

 2.2 Scope and Structure/action

III. Health (Polity), Politics and Policy

 1 Grammar 

 2 Public Policy: from theory to practice

 3 Health Policies: prolegomena

IV. The Constitutionality of the Common and Health

 1 Constitutionality and the relations between the juridical and the political

 2 Publicity, Sociality and the Redemption of the Common

 3 Health Constitution

 3.1 Reconceptualization (polit & adm constitut., compliance, responsiveness, capabilities, nudging, new public service)

 3.2 Constitutive and Regulative Relegitimization (infra-structuring mediology, participation)

 3.3 Realization (other than judicial enforcement).

Head Lecturer(s)

Luís António Malheiro Meneses Vale

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


(Indicam-se apenas algumas referências preliminares em português).

A. C. Campos, Administração Pública e Saúde, Almedina, Coimbra, 2019; J. Loureiro/A. D. Pereira/C. Barbosa (Coords.), Direito da Saúde. Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Guilherme de Oliveira, 4 volumes, Almedina, Coimbra, 2016; J. Simões, Retrato Político da Saúde, Almedina, Coimbra, 2004; J. J. Gomes Canotilho, Direito Constitucional e Teoria da Constituição, 7.ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 2018; M. da Glória Garcia, Direito das Políticas Públicas, Almedina, Coimbra, 2009; M. J. Estorninho/Tiago Macieirinha, Direito da Saúde, Univ. Católica Editora, Lisboa, 2014; P. P. Barros, Economia da Saúde, 4.ª ed., Almedina, 2019 ; R. M. do Carmo/A. Barata, Estado Social: De Todos Para Todos, Tinta-da-China, Lisboa, 2014; R. Soares, Direito Público e Sociedade Técnica, Tenacitas, Coimbra, 2008; R. Nunes, Regulação da Saúde, 3.ª ed, Vida Económica, 2014; S. Gomes et alii, Desigualdades Sociais e Políticas Públicas, Húmus, 2019.