Urban Rehabilitation Law
Political Legal
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Administrative Law, Constitucional Law.
Teaching Methods
Expository method based on the transmission of information and knowledge. complemented with programmed teaching dimensions (prior disclosure of content to be addressed and respective objectives).
Presence in some seminars of university professors from other areas of knowledge and specialists in the area of financing and tax benefits for urban rehabilitation.
One-off use of research-based learning methodologies, case study-based learning and problem-based learning.
Learning Outcomes
Provide students with an adequate legal contextualization of the theme, providing them with: i) an overview of the positive legal regimes that discipline the subject; ii) a diachronic view of urban rehabilitation policy and its interdependencies with other policies; iii) awareness of technical constraints and the complexity of the legal issues involved; iv) case studies. In the end of the seminar, students should be able to: i) know the legal regimes that influence urban rehabilitation; ii) identify the main intervening entities; iii) know the applicable tax regimes (eg tax benefits); iv) understand the complexity of (and participate in) urban rehabilitation planning, programming and management procedures; v) exercise active citizenship, participating in multicultural and multidisciplinary debates.
Work Placement(s)
Chapter I - General considerations: Urban rehabilitation in the context of Urban Planning Law
Chapter II - Urban rehabilitation and public policies
1. Urban rehabilitation as public policy and its relationship with other public policies.
2. Rehabilitate what, for what and for whom?
Chapter III - General Regime for Urban Rehabilitation
1. The legal systems related
3. The principles of urban rehabilitation.
4. The main actors in urban rehabilitation.
5. Urban Rehabilitation in urban rehabilitation areas: urban rehabilitation planning and programming procedures.
6. Urban Rehabilitation in urban rehabilitation areas: execution and operationalization of urban rehabilitation.
Chapter IV - The special urban rehabilitation regime
Chapter V - From the exceptional urban rehabilitation regime to the normal building rehabilitation regime
Chapter VI - Tax benefits and financial support for urban rehabilitation
Chapter VII - Case study.
Head Lecturer(s)
Fernanda Paula Marques Oliveira
Assessment Methods
Other: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 80.0%
-OLIVEIRA, Fernanda Paula, Direito do Urbanismo. Do Planeamento à Gestão, 3.ª edição revista e ampliada, Braga, AEDREL, 2018 (Capítulo IV).
- GONÇALVES, Adelino, Património Urban(ístic)o e Desenvolvimento. Uma década de estudos sobre a dimensão urbana do património, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2018.
- LOPES, Dulce, “Reabilitação urbana: o regime jurídico e a prática”, in. Atas do I Congresso do Direito do Urbanismo (Coord. F.P. Oliveira), Coimbra, Almedina, 2019, pp. 247 e ss.
- OLIVEIRA, Fernanda Paula; LOPES, Dulce; ALVES, Cláudia, Regime jurídico da Reabilitação Urbana comentado, Coimbra, Almedina, 2011.
- SILVA, Suzana Tavares da, “Da «contemplação da Ruína» ao património sustentável. Contributo para uma compreensão adequada dos bens culturais”, RevCedoua, Ano V, 2, 2002.