Optional Sport II - Skating

Academic year
Subject Area
Sport Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Pratical Studies - SKating.

Teaching Methods

The theoretical program includes: a. Specific training; b. Organization of training in high competition athletes; c. Training framework in the long-term work process; d. Types of competition and the training process; and. Planning and Periodization of the training unit; f. Observation of training and competition. Always take into account the specificity of each discipline of the Skating modality.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will be able to develop professional practice in the school or club according to the principles of knowledge in the area of sports training and specialization in the disciplines of the type of Skating, which are Roller Hockey, Figure Skating, Speed Races and Skate, namely: 1. Understand the specific training methodology; 2. Understand how the planning and periodization of training of athletes, clubs and federation evolves; 3. Know how the training evaluation and control fits.

Work Placement(s)



The theoretical program includes: a. Specific training; b. Organization of training in high competition athletes; c. Training framework in the long-term work process; d. Types of competition and the training process; and. Planning and Periodization of the training unit; f. Observation of training and competition. Always take into account the specificity of each discipline of the Skating modality.

Head Lecturer(s)

Vasco Parreiral Simões Vaz

Assessment Methods

Laboratory work or Field work: 40.0%
Synthesis work: 60.0%


Porta, J., Mori, I. (1987). Hockey total. Oviedo, Ayuntamiento de Oviedo, Gráficas EUJOA, S.A;

Sabaté RR (2009). Hockey Patines - Preparación física. Ediciones Alto Rendimento

Sabaté RR (2015) Hockey Patines - entrenamiento de la velocidade em pista. Editora ROJO

Mendo, A., Argilaga, M. (2000). Estrutura condutal en deportes sociomotores: Hockey sobre Patines. Revista Digital de Educación Física Deportes, (21).

Rodriguez, F., Martín, R., Hernández, J. (1991). Prueba máxima progressiva en pista para valoracion de la condición aeróbia en hockey sobre patines. Apuntus: Educacion Física y Deportes; 23: 63-70

Vaz V (2011). Especialização desportiva em jovens hoquistas masculinos. Estudo do jovem atleta, do processo de selecção e da estrutura de rendimento. Tese de doutoramento. UC

Garganta, J. (2007). Modelação táctica em jogos desportivos – A desejável cumplicidade entre pesquisa, treino e competição. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto 7 (supl.1):9-17