Nomos, Repúblic and Constitution

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Teaching will be based on oral lectures supported by previously indicated bibliography and expectedly prepared by students, as well as expository scripts for this purpose provided by the teacher, in order to allow the critical debate of the contents covered and of the other questions raised by the readings. object of recommendation or by the reverberation of one and the other in the surrounding social reality - with special focus on constitutional issues.

Learning Outcomes

In the face of jurisprudentialist understanding of law and, particularly, of its specific community project, traceable through successive historical cycles and the respective institutional contexts of realization, this seminar aims to question the meaning of the human Mit-sein and the myriad from the declines of the common, of the community and of human communalities, potentially unveiled by the sort of normative differance that constitutionality, in view of its peculiar problematic intentionality, historical experience and decanted or sublimating founding and regulatory content, allows thematization. For that purpose, it risks an archaeological investigation of some fundamental categories - nomos, res publica, constitutio / Verfassung - at the intersection between political and legal, social and ethical-moral philosophy, as well as a genealogical reconstruction of the radical metamorphoses suffered by self- projective problematization of communities,

Work Placement(s)




The problem of the common: between redemption and hope

Religion and Politics, Law and Ethics

I. Elementary archeology and genealogy: a theoretical explanation

II. Earth Nomes

1. The etymological puzzle

2. Paleanthropology and Mythology

3. Historiography and Philosophy

4. Contemporary recovery and its symbolism

5. The planetary ship

III. Of the Republic, between polis and politeia

1. The precedents

2. From the Republic to the Empire

3. Respublica Christiana and the Holy Empire

4. The republics and il stato

5. State, Revolution and Republic

6. Empires and republicanism

7. Neorepublicanism, advertising and the commonwealth

IV. Constitutionality as transculturality

1. Politicity, publicity and constitutionality

2. Multi-, -inter and -transculturality

3. Na expression of collective cultural self-transcendence?

4. Outline of a constitutional theory: towards the nomos of and of the commons, in the global republic?

V. Conclusion: Politonomy and the Common Republic.

Head Lecturer(s)

Luís António Malheiro Meneses Vale

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


Bibliografia primária inicial

C. Schmitt, Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus Publicum Europaeum, D&H, Berlin 1950.

H. Arendt, The Human Condition, Chicago UP, 1958

G. Deleuze/F. Guattari, Mille Plateaux. Capitalisme et schizophrénie, Édit. de Minuit, Paris, 1980

R. Esposito, Communitas, Einaudi, 2006.

H. Lindahl, Fault Lines of Globalization (…), OUP, 2013.

M. Loughlin, Political Jurisprudence, OUP, 2018. 

P. Häberle, Der kooperative Verfassungsstaat - aus Kultur und als Kultur: Vorstudien zu einer universalen Verfassungslehre, D & H, Berlin, 2013.

R. Caenegen, Uma Introdução Histórica ao Direito Constitucional Ocidental, Gulbenkian, 2009.

M. Fioravanti, Constituzione, il Mulino, 1999.

M. Rosenfeld, The Identity of the Constitutional Subject, Routl., 2009

D. Grimm, Constitutionalism, OUP, 2019

E-W Böckenförde, Constitutional and Political Theory, OUP, 2017

A. Somek, The Cosmopolitan Constitution, OUP, 2016.

J. Pocock, Cidadania, Historiografia, Res publica, Almedina, 2013