Scientific Research Methodologies

Academic year
Subject Area
Life Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology of this curricular unit is based on face-to-face teaching, in the form of expositions and debates in the form of seminars.

Learning Outcomes

This Curricular Unit aims to develop in students a critical attitude towards the scientific process, the research strategy, and the ways of disseminating and communicating research. The following objectives contribute to this: to know the national and international scientific ecosystems, including the local and national research structures and networks (R&D Units in the UC group); understand the entire process of writing scientific articles and the publication process; know, organize and critically analyze the sources of information; know and develop the forms of scientific communication and with the general public; know the concept of Citizen Science and projects; to know the ethical principles and scientific integrity; know the forms of impact of the research; acquire knowledge of scientific culture in several scientific areas.

Work Placement(s)



Scientific research ecosystems, UC National and International;

Communication of science: giving presentations in scientific events, writing scientific articles and thesis;

Design, elaboration and assessment of research proposals

Sources of bibliographical information: different types, how to choose, how to use; bibliometric data; literature review (state of the art);

Ethics and scientific integrity;

Science Communication to different audiences;

Science Museums and Research;

Citizen Science;

Scientific Culture;

Thematic and multidisciplinary Seminars.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana dos Santos Carvalho

Assessment Methods

At the end of the course, each student presents the work developed in the form of oral presentation: 100.0%


ASHBY, M. (2005), “How to Write a Paper” (6th ed.). Cambridge U.P.
CRESWELL, J. W.  & CRESWELL, J. D. (2018), “Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches” ( ed.). Sage. USA.
FENBY-HULSE, K., HEYWOOD, E.  & WALKER, K. (Editors) (2019), “Research Impact and the Early Career Researcher: Lived Experiences, New Perspectives”. Taylors & Francis Books. USA.
GASTEL, B. & DAY, R. (2016), “How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper” ( ed.). Greenwood. USA.
LEVIN, P. (2011), “Excellent Dissertations” (2.nd ed.). Open University Press, McGraw-Hill.

OLIVEIRA, L. A. (2012), “Dissertação e Tese em Ciência e Tecnologia” (3.rd ed.). Lidel. In Portuguese.
OLIVEIRA, L. A. (2013), “Ética em Investigação Científica”. Lidel. In Portuguese.
OLIVEIRA, L. A. (2018), “Escrita Científica: da Folha em Branco ao Texto Final”. Lidel. In Portuguese.
REED, M. S. (2018), “The Research Impact Handbook” (2.nd ed.), Fast Track Impact Ltd. USA.
STEWART, C. N. JR. (2011), “Research Ethics for Scientists: a Companion for Students”. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.