Technology of Informatics
Computer Science
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Teaching Methods
This course is taught by face-to-face lectures and continuous evaluation
1. A 2 hour lecture and in-class discussion
a. 1 hour of previous preparation through readings of respective bibliographic material available at the university information system.
b. 2 to 3 hours of study after the lesson for the consolidation of knowledge
2. A 2 hour class (PL) for the critical discussion of the topics adressed
a. 2 hours of preparation through readings of respective bibliographic material available at the university information system.
3. A weekly 1 hour class of theoretical-practical experimentation and/or assessment of the concepts acquired during the previous lecture and PL class, problem solving and including a weekly assignment.
The grading is performed as follows
1. 50% from the performance in practical classes (from the eight best grades), minimum of 33.3%
2. 50% from the final exam (minimum grade of 47,5%)
Learning Outcomes
This course unit has as its main objective to provide a wide perspective of the many diverse areas of the informatics engineering degree. The theoretical-practical component is centered around review, critical discussion and assessment of the concepts presented during the lectures.
The main competencies are the analysis and criticism, problem solving and critical reasoning in the specific subjects of informatics engineering.
Work Placement(s)
1. Introduction and the history of computing
2. Data, memory and storage
-includes number systems, codification and floating point arithmetics.
3. Computer Architectures
-includes combinatorial and sequential circuits.
4. Operating Systems
5. Database Systems
6. Networking and the Internet
7. Computer Graphics
8. Software Engineering
9. Algorithms
10. Programming Languages
11. Data structures and abstractions
12. Computation Theory
13. Artificial Intelligence
Head Lecturer(s)
Tiago José dos Santos Martins da Cruz
Assessment Methods
Mini Tests: 50.0%
Exam: 50.0%
Computer Science, An Overview. 12th Edition, Glenn Brookshear, Dennis Brylow, ISBN-13: 9780133760064, Pearson/Addison Wesley International, 2015
Additional selected readings (URL links, case studies) will be provided to the students on a weekly basis.