Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Peacebuilding

Academic year
Subject Area
Political Sciences - International Relations
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The sessions will take place in seminar format, including interactive discussions on the basis of readings, interactive learning by introduction to the topics and in-class debate, and participatory techniques. The seminar is built around two main topics which are themselves subdivided in various lectures, videos, exercises and discussions.

Learning Outcomes

The lectures address conceptual, theoretical and practical problems of international conflict prevention and exemplify them by using empirical case studies. The videos, exercises and discussions provide the opportunity to add empirical substance and to discuss the topics in greater detail.

- Provide an overview of different concepts and approaches to international conflict prevention

- Assess the effectiveness and availability of conflict prevention systems in different periods in the conflict cycle

- Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the different conflict prevention strategies and assess the conditions that influence these outcomes

-Apply concepts and theories from Social Psychology to specific cases in International Relations

-Better understanding of the potential added value of Social Psychology to critically review its contribution to the discipline of International Relations.

Work Placement(s)



Conflict Prevention: Theories, Actors and Case-Studies

Early Warning and Monitoring from Words to Deeds: Discussing Challenges and Opportunities

Social psychology and International Relations

Perceptions and bias

Managing identities and status


Competition and conflict

Humiliation and stigma.

Head Lecturer(s)

Raquel Beleza Pereira da Silva

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment: combination of written work, in-class participation and oral presentations: 100.0%


Ackermann Alice, “The Idea and Practice of Conflict Prevention”, Journal of Peace Research, 40(3), 2003: 339-47.

Buchanan Allen, Keohane Robert O. (2004), “The Preventive Use of Force: A

Cosmopolitan Institutional Proposal”, Ethics and International Affairs, 18(1), 22p.

Griffin Michele (2001), “A Stitch in Time: Making the Case for Conflict Prevention”, Security Dialogue, 32(4): 481-496.

Doom Ruddy (1995), “Early warning and conflict prevention. Minerva's Wisdom?”, Ghent, University  of Ghent, 48p.

Kowert, P. A. (2011), Completing the Ideational Triangle: Identity, Choice, and Obligation in International Relations. In: V. P. Shannon and P. A. Kowert (eds.), Psychology and Constructivism in International Relations: An Ideational Alliance. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), 30-56.

Adler-Nissen, R. (2014). Stigma management in international relations: Transgressive identities, norms, and order in international society. International Organization, 68(1), 143-176.