History of Physical Education and Sport

Academic year
Subject Area
Physical Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes using the lecture method and the Socratic dialogue.

Practical classes consisting of group work and resolution of worksheets.

Learning Outcomes

To know the main contemporary pedagogy trends.

To characterise the pedagogical ideas in order to identify the moments, the stages and the main spaces of the contemporary pedagogical speeches’ construction.

To fit the educational and pedagogical transformations into space and time criteria.

To fit Physical Education and Sport trends into a historical reflexion on the contemporary speeches’ construction at national and international level.

To know and use basic techniques for collecting and analysing information from historical and bibliographic sources.

To understand the values and attitudes underlying Physical Education and Sport in different historical periods.

To characterize the evolution and the basic fundamentals of the different Physical Education trends.

To know the development of Physical Education and Sport in Portugal.

Work Placement(s)



I – The educational intention and the construction of the school model

1. From ‘impregnation’ to educational intention

2. The children’s invention and the establishment of disciplinary society

3. The role of protestant ethics and the consolidation of customs civilization

II – The modern and contemporary pedagogical trends

1. The basic assumptions of the pedagogical trends

2. The ‘disciplinary’ trends

3. From the New Education Movement to the Non-Directive Pedagogies of the Post-War Period

4. The nationalist trends and the neo-directivism of pedagogy by objectives

III – Physical Education and sports in the 18th and 19th Centuries

1. The military trends

2. The hygienic trends

3. Pedagogical trends

4. Sport trends.

IV – Sport globalisation in the 20th Century

1. The anthropological notion of “techniques of the body”

2. The international organization of Sport

3. Olympics and national identities

4. Sport in Portugal: the role of mass media.

Head Lecturer(s)

Miguel Ângelo Sousa Fachada Domingues Coelho

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 48.0%
Mini Tests: 52.0%


Ariès, P. (1960). L’enfant et la vie familiale sous l’Ancien Régime. Paris: Plon.

Carvalho, R. (1986). História do ensino em Portugal desde a fundação da nacionalidade até o fim do regime de Salazar-Caetano. Lisboa: FCG.

Crespo, J. (1990). A história do corpo. Lisboa: Difel.

Elias, N. (1989). O Processo Civilizacional (1º vol.). Lisboa: Publ. D. Quixote.

Fernandes, R. (1979). A pedagogia portuguesa contemporânea. Lisboa: ICP. 

Foucault, M. (1993). Vigiar e punir. Petrópolis: Vozes.

Gomes, R. (1991). Poder e Saber sobre o Corpo. A Educação Física no Estado Novo (1936‑1945). Boletim da SPEF, 2‑3, 109‑136.

Rocha, F. (1988). Correntes pedagógicas contemporâneas. Aveiro: Estante.

Ulmann, J. (1993). Corps et civilisation: Éducation Physique, Medicine, Sport. Paris: Vrin.

Ulmann, J. (1997). De la gymnastique aux sports modernes. Paris: Vrin.

Weber, M. (2001). A ética protestante e o espírito do capitalismo. Lisboa: Ed. Presença.