Advanced Strategies for Sound insulation and noise and vibration control

Academic year
Subject Area
Advanced Theory
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

It is recommended that the student has previously attended the unit Advanced concepts of Acoustics and Vibrations.

Teaching Methods

In teaching the course, it is anticipated the presentation of theoretical concepts and advanced knowledge on the topics defined in the syllabus. Relevance is given to the study of specific cases that may be the basis of research proposes.

Learning Outcomes

This unit aims to provide students the possibility of acquiring skills in the area of building acoustics, in particular with regard to sound insulation and noise and vibration control.

Students should acquire knowledge in advanced prediction and modeling tools to apply in the evaluation of building acoustic situations and also on experimental alternative tools to approach problems related with the research and product development.

They must be able to identify and propose constructive solutions for new applications realted with research and product development process.

It is intended that students develop skills of analysis, problem solving, critical thinking and practical application of theoretical knowledge that allow to perform research in the field of noise and vibration control.

Work Placement(s)



1.1.Airborne sound insulation

1.1.1.Advanced predition and simulation methods

1.1.2. Alternative approaches for experimental evaluation

1.2.Impact sound insulation

1.2.1.Advanced prediction and simulation methods

1.2.2.Alternative approaches for experimental evaluation

1.3.Advanced constructive solutions

1.4.Acoustic requirements


2.Noise control within ducts

2.1. Advanced prediction methods for sound propagation in ducts

2.2. Design of sound attenuators

2.3 Design of acoustic grids

2.4 Acoustic requirements


3. Noise and Vibration Control

3.1 Source characterization

3.2.Design Principles

3.3.Systems for vibration reduction

3.4.Dynamic Stiffness

3.5 Vibration requirements


4.Reseearch challenges in the field sound and vibration control in buildings

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 40.0%
Exam: 60.0%


- Série de normas EN 12354: 2000. Building Acoustics - Estimation of the acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements.

- M. Mehta; J. Johnson, J. Rocafort “Architectural Acoustics – Principles and design”, Prentice-Hall, 1999.

- Pereira A., Godinho L., Mateus D., Ramis J., Branco F. G., “Assessment of a simplified experimental procedure to evaluate impact sound reduction of floor coverings”, Applied Acoustics, 2014, Vol. 79, pp. 92-103.

- J. Patrício - Método LNEC para avaliação e classificação da qualidade acústica de edifícios habitacionais,LNEC, 2013.

-J. Patrício -  Acústica nos Edifícios, Verlag Dashofer, 2010. 

- Mateus D., Pereira A., Godinho L, Proposal of a simplified method for the prediction of impact sound insulation between rooms, from below to above, NCEJ, 66 (3), 2018.

- Bistafa S, acústica aplicada ao controle de ruído, Editora Edgar Blucher, 2006.

- ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications, chapter 48 (Noise and Vibration Control), 2011.