Waste Management
Geological and Mining Engineering
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Not applicable.
Teaching Methods
Classroom teaching with the following components:
Theorical: using audiovisual means to facilitate the understanding of concepts, models and methodologies. Students will participate in lectures, through its intervention or, occasionally, by presenting subjects within the discipline syllabus.
Practical: application of theoretical knowledge to practical cases, by solving problems.
Laboratory: Carrying out laboratory tests of waste characterization.
Learning Outcomes
The course aims to:
A) Provide the students with knowledge on integrated waste management. Identification of the main factors of the problem of waste management.
B) Understanding the concept of waste minimization, reuse and recycling. Provide students with knowledge of the biological treatment and incineration of solid waste.
C) Evaluate options for waste disposal. Provide students with knowledge of deposition techniques in landfills and the control of movement of gases and leachate, and monitoring systems.
D) Provide the students with knowledge of management of hazardous waste.
As competences students should acquire: instrumental competence of analysis and synthesis, problem solving, personal competences of working in interdisciplinary teams, critical thinking, systemic competence to adapt to new circumstances, to independent learning, concerns about the quality.
Work Placement(s)
1 - Introduction
2 - Solid waste management.
3 -Sources, composition, and properties of municipal solid waste.
4 - Physical, chemical, and biological properties of municipal solid waste.
5 - Sources, types, and properties of hazardous wastes found in municipal solid waste. Waste minimisation: benefits, hierarchy of waste management practices, methodology, practical techniques.
6 – Separation of solid waste
7 – Valorization and transforming of the solid waste: reuse, recycling composting, biomethanation incineration: :
8 – Disposal of solid wastes. Landfill: site selection; site development; site operation; characteristics, generation and control of the movement of gases and leachate in landfill; landfill closure and postclosure care.
9 - Hazardous wastes. Management methods.
Assessment Methods
Laboratory work or Field work: 5.0%
Exam: 95.0%
Pita, F.A.P., (2013). Apontamentos de Gestão e Tratamento de Resíduos, do Departamento de Ciências da Terra, FCTUC.
Tchobanoglous, G., Kreith, F., (2002). Handbook of Solid Waste Management, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Martinho, M., Gonçalves, M., (2000). Gestão de Resíduos. Publicação da Universidade Aberta.