Specific Ethical Issues in Health

Academic year
Subject Area
Ethics in Healthcare
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The classes aim to introduce the new themes to the students, in a way not only expository but also demonstrative, always fostering interactivity and reflection. At the end of each module will be presented and discussed practical cases, for training of argumentation and ethical deliberation.

Assiduity will be controlled; in order to successfully complete this curricular unit, it must be present in 4 of the 6 modules taught.

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit addresses the most current and pertinent themes of ethics in health care and research, in order to promote a deep reflection on the main ethical dilemmas that arise in the particular situations analyzed. The use of practical examples intends to promote ethical decision-making training.

Work Placement(s)



1. Ethical Issues in Early Life

• The Statute of the Human Embryo

• Medically Assisted Procreation - potentialities and limits

• Prematurity and limits of viability - ethical approaches at birth

2. Ethics and Genetics

• Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis

• Genetic testing - when and how to perform?

• Cloning and Gene Therapy

3. Improvement Medicine

• Structural, Aesthetic and Functional Improvement - ethical issues

• Medical Responsibility in Improvement Medicine

4. Neuroethics and Mental Health

• Autonomy and Mental Illness

• Neuroethics and Neuropotentiation

• Bioethics and Neurobiology

5. Ethical Issues at End of Life

• Palliative and Continuing Care

• Persistent Vegetative State

• Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

• Intensive Care Medicine

6. Ethics and Scientific Research

• Investigator Integrity

• Research and clinical trials

• Bioethics and Technological Society.

Head Lecturer(s)

Isabel Margarida Figueiredo Silvestre

Assessment Methods

Exam: 50.0%
Monography: 50.0%


Para além de todos os artigos, textos, códigos, pareceres, declarações e convenções que são disponibilizados no âmbito de cada tema lecionado, poem ainda ser consultadas as seguintes fontes bibliográficas | In addition to all articles, texts, codes, opinions, declarations and conventions that are made available within the scope of each theme, the following bibliographic sources should also be consulted:

1. Ética – dos Fundamentos às Práticas.  Coord. M Céu Patrão Neves. Edições 70. 2016.

2. Bioética Simples - M Patrão Neves, W Oswald. 2ªed. Editora Verbo, 2014.

3. Ética Aplicada - Saúde. Coord. M Céu Patrão Neves e Jorge Soares. Edições 70. 2018.

4. Ética Aplicada –Investigação Científica. Coord. M Céu Patrão Neves e Maria da Graça Carvalho. Edições 70. 2018.

5. Fundamentos de Bioética - D Gracia. Gráfica de Coimbra, 2007.

6. Comissões de Ética - M Patrão Neves. Gráfica de Coimbra, 2007.

7. Embriões excedentários - entre a técnica, a lei e a ética. M Silvestre. Coimbra Editora, 2015.