Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Psychiatry and Mental Health

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

- Expositive method, including theoretical and theoretical-practical classes, motivating the sudents to ask questions, doubts and comments on the themes, in order to stimulate the debate

- Discussion of real interactive clinical cases

- Seminars

- Critical reflection in groups on scientific articles.

Learning Outcomes

Introducing neurodevelopment diseases, and psychiatry and mental health, namely after drug abuse:

- Understanding the genetics of autism spectrum disorder and implications in clinical and translational research

- To know the pathologies acquired from neurodevelopment and cognitive and behavioral implications

- To analyze pre- and perinatal life and repercussion on brain development

- Recognize current research on neurodevelopmental pathologies

- Understand the psychopathology and epistemological / phenomenological foundations of psychiatry and associated neuroscientific domains

- To know the epidemiological and clinical characteristics, and the etiopathogenic mechanisms of mental diseases

- To know the principles of treatment of the main mental diseases

- Dissect the molecular, cellular and behavioral changes associated with CNS disorders triggered by drug abuse

- Contact with translational research in psychiatry and mental health.

Work Placement(s)



Neurodevelopmental diseases (2 ECTS):

- Neurodevelopmental pathologies, including d. acquired and of pre and perinatal cause

- Autism Spectrum Disorder and genetics

- Sensory and brain disorders in development

- Investigation of executive function and social interaction

Psychiatry and mental diseases (2 ECTS):

- Psychiatry and neurosciences

- Diagnosis and early intervention in mental illness

- Biomarkers in mental illness

- Mood and psychotic disorders

- Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders

- Translational research in psychiatry and mental illness

Drug abuse (2 ECTS):

- Addiction and mental illness

- Genetics, neurobiology and neuropharmacology of (new) psychoactive substances

- Neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration associated with drugs of abuse

- Biochemical and structural alterations after drug abuse: neuroimaging studies

- Cerebrovascular impact of drug abuse

- Animal models of drug addiction.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Telma Fernandes Pereira

Assessment Methods

Exam: 50.0%
Other: 50.0%


- Capute AJ, Accardo JP (2008) Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in Infancy and Childhood. 3rd Ed, Brookes Publishing.

- Oliveira G (2017) Neurodesenvolvimento e Comportamento. In:“Lições de Pediatria" Vol I, Oliveira G, Saraiva J, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, p 211-232.

- Arciniegas DB, Yudofsky SC, Hales RE (2018) The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 6th Ed. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.

- Harrison P, Cowen P, Burns T, Fazel M (2017) Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, 7th Ed, Oxford University Press.

- Macedo A, Pereira AT, Andrade J (2016) Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva. O insustentável peso da dúvida. Lidel, Lisboa.

- Koob GF, Arends MA, Le Moal M (2014) Drugs, Addiction, and the Brain. Academic Press.

- Verster JC, Brady K, Galantes M, Conrod P (2012) Drug Abuse and Addiction in Medical Illness: causes, consequences and treatment. Springer Science and Bussiness Media.