
Academic year
Subject Area
Integrative Biology
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes, field classes and laboratory practicals. Classes are given in modules. Practicals parallel with lectures. Lectures given in powerpoint presentations. Internet surveys on certain matters in discussion. Scientific articles discussion. Discussion about Bioremediation themes and applications. Tutorials and classes for the Project preparation to be presented. 

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit aims that the student gets the practical and theoretical knowledge in the area of environmental rehabilitation, using bioremediation as the ultimate tool in ecological restoration.

Specific Competencies:

1. To know and use bioremediation principles and concepts.

2. To analyze, synthesize and process information related to bioremediation, understanding methodologies and field and lab techniques.

3. To perform field and lab work, responsibly and safely, adopting attitudes that envisage the implementation of techniques of risk analysis and bioremediation technologies. To project bioremediation programs in degraded areas.

4. To prepare, process, interpret and communicate information about bioremediation and its case reports, using adequate bibliographic references, consistent and coherent language/speech and proper analytical tools

5. To be autonomous in terms of self-learning and meta-cognition. 

Work Placement(s)



1.Bioremediation key concepts. Bioremediation applications to contaminated soils and waters.

2.Heavy metals and organic contaminants. General mechanisms of heavy metals and organic compounds accumulation. Biological mechanisms of detoxification in procariots and eucariots. Chelating compounds. Protein production in response to heavy metals. Phytochelatins and  metallothioneins. Metallothioneins in the biological organisms.

3.Bioremediation agentes. Case studies.

4.Phytoremediation. Phytoextraction, phytodegradation, rizofiltration, phytostabilisation and assisted phytoremediation. Examples and case studies.

5.Importance of mycorrhizas and fungi (white rot fungi) in bioremediation. Interactions between fungi and heavy metals. Responses of fungi to heavy metals.

6.Tolerance and resistance to metals. Genetic architecture of metal tolerance.

7.Bioremediation in Portugal: examples and case studies.

8.Natural metals contaminated areas in Portugal: ecological importance.

Head Lecturer(s)

António Manuel Santos Carriço Portugal

Assessment Methods

Project: 20.0%
Exam: 80.0%


Hasanuzzaman M & Prasad MNV (2020). Handbook of Bioremediation. Academic Press. pp. 764

Saxena G, Kumar V & Shah M (2020). Bioremediation for Environmental Sustainability. Toxicity, Mechanisms of Contaminants Degradation, Detoxification and Challenges. Elsevier. pp. 692.

Prasad MNV (2001). Metals in the environment. Analysis by biodiversity. Marcel Dekker. pp 487.

Gadd GM (2001). Fungi in Bioremediation. Cambridge University Press. pp. 481.

Papers selecionados de revistas da área/ Selected papers from reference journals in the area.

Roberts BA and Proctor J (1992). The ecology of areas with serpentinized rocks. A world view. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 427.